Mitch might be done for

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In today's world you can just look at a girls ass to long or hold a door for them and end up with a sexual lawsuit.
I hope you're aware that when phrases like "sexual assault" or "abuse" are thrown around it isn't just looking. Let's wait to see how this shakes out, but this is alleged to be miles above what you're implying here.
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A quick hire was always in the cards. If we got our guy, the hire would have been even quicker. Unless you're saying, make the quick hire (3rd choice Pope) as opposed to wait for Donovan. That I can see.
We could have waited for Donovan, bought out Oats, lots of things we could've done. The hire was a quick panic hire. We chalked it up to Mitch just being Mitch. But this puts the puzzle pieces together.
Just further reinforces what we've been saying. The athletic deparment at UK has been needing a flushing for years. It's a giant hulking turd at this point. Leaking over the toilet bowl. Someone please flush it.