Live Stream Links and Replay Info for Kentucky vs. Ottawa + Leach & Pratt Sync

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What the hell? Whats this damn forbidden shit? Will a replay be available here in a few? Like in an hour or 2?
Still waiting on my hosting to get the site back up... They said it could be up to 24 hours, but hopefully they'll restore it sooner than that since it wasn't actually a DOS attack like they thought.
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You guys are welcome. I appreciate the support--not so much for crashing my site. :)

And yeah, the NJIT game will be in the same situation.
Thank you again Billionth, you are an awesome person and provide for those without the resources available to watch games live. A+++ Guy!!
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So the site has finally just been released from the hold the web hosting put on it due to the abnormal level of traffic. I wished my ad revenue would've reflected in this big surge of traffic, but it was actually the worst performance for a game ever revenue wise. Oh well, hopefully the next game will be better.

The commercial free replay has been added, and the Leach & Pratt radio sync has been uploaded but is processing on YouTube. This sync was by far the hardest/biggest pain to do because of the way WatchESPN did their commercial breaks (it was really odd and caused sync issues anywhere from -20 seconds to +45 seconds that I had to manually fix during each and EVERY commercial break), so I hope people enjoy it. :p

4K Download to rip from youtube.
ConvertXtoDVD to convert to dvd format
Burnaware to burn to disc
Yup, that's a very good way of doing it.

If you search on YouTube for something like "Convert YouTube videos to DVDs" then you should find some good step-by-step guides as well.
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Just finished watching the game. Thank you BillionthUKFan for posting the link. This is very nice of you to do this for the rest of us who know very little about computers. God bless you.
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You're welcome westerncat. I appreciate the thanks.

The Leach & Pratt radio sync is ready to watch and/or download in 720p. Like I mentioned before, this was the most time consuming and hardest radio sync to put together due to the way WatchESPN did their commercial breaks... but it should be in sync throughout the entire game. The video is a little choppy compared to my usual replays, but it's the best I could do with this online broadcast only deal. [ LINK ]

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how can I download to my pc? I have the software to burn to dvd
Yeah 4K Download or scroll down on any of the replays pages for instructions on how to download games through your browser without having to use any programs.
You're welcome westerncat. I appreciate the thanks.

The Leach & Pratt radio sync is ready to watch and/or download in 720p. Like I mentioned before, this was the most time consuming and hardest radio sync to put together due to the way WatchESPN did their commercial breaks... but it should be in sync throughout the entire game. The video is a little choppy compared to my usual replays, but it's the best I could do with this online broadcast only deal. [ LINK ]

Thank you.
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