Letter to the editor in herald leader

When Brad playes I get pissed. It's clear he only gets time because dad. There are better options that never see the floor. Brad should never play. It's blatant favoritism. Same with Saul but Saul was 20X the player Brad is and was a pick up game legend on campus.

You would be hard pressed to find anyone that could beat him. It just didn't translate as well in games. Brad, is a stumpy trex 4 foot wingspan waste of space on the court.
The fact that you call yourself a fan pisses me off. I'm just prejudiced against stupid people, besides you are taking up space on this thread that could be utilized by someone not as stupid and recognizes Brad wanted to play for his Dad at Kentucky. He isn't taking minutes from any of the 5 star players that now routinely fill out the UK roster EVERY YEAR, because of Brad's dad...and you are pissed that he occasionally plays to the delight of his mother, who attends EVERY game. A dumbass like you would deny her of seeing her son play because you claim favoritism. You're too stupid to think much share your careless and cruel commnets...idiot.
I have no interest in the racial debate. However I am still mystified as to why Saul Smith doesn't get his due with UK fans. He only started two seasons, however I believe he is still in the top 10 all-time in two different statistical categories. And I believe he may be top 20 in a couple of others. It's been awhile since I've looked at the rankings, so I may be slightly off. Regardless, there are certainly no other players who are in similar positions in those rankings who are having to defend their playing time.

Also, let's keep in mind that Wayne Turner was the starter at UK and if anyone was keeping recruits away for Saul's first two season it was him. His Freshman season he is added unexpectedly and is the only backup point guard. His sophmore season we add JP Blevins, who had been offered under Pitino and who was supposed to be the heir apparent. Saul's Senior season they add Cliff Hawkins and Gerald Fitch.

So, who are these recruits that supposedly stayed away because of Smith? Anyone have any names? And keep in mind the year we didn't sign a PG we did sign Keith Bogans, Marvin Stone, John Stewart and Marquis Estill. Who comes off that class to make room for a PG?
What’s funny is I’ve already thought several times, “look at him, just sits there frowning. Kid has no idea how good he has it. He’s lucky to even be there.” Honest to God I’ve thought it.

I never liked Saul, but like you said, it’s essentially Tubby’s fault. Saul worked his ass off and I never questioned how genuinely excited he was for his opportunity.
Agree with you. I mean the bottom line is Saul was not good enough to get those mins at a top college, let alone a blue blood. We give tons of players crap, more than they usually deserve, that play large mins. It has nothing to do with race, only skill level and desire. I could care less if we get the first purple player as long as he works hard and it shows on the court LOL.
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