Klutch Downfall

Jun 2, 2023
According to a guy on Twitter Klutch isn’t doing too good. He said one of the big agents left the company and took his players with him. He thinks they will eventually sell the company and thinks Rich Paul is taking the steps in doing so, could possibly sell to eventually buy a NBA team with LeBron. I’m glad this shit show of an agency is going downhill, UK fans will get the last laugh.
According to a guy on Twitter Klutch isn’t doing too good. He said one of the big agents left the company and took his players with him. He thinks they will eventually sell the company and thinks Rich Paul is taking the steps in doing so, could possibly sell to eventually buy a NBA team with LeBron. I’m glad this shit show of an agency is going downhill, UK fans will get the last laugh.
That agency is worth 2 billion dollars? That’s about what it will take to get a decent franchise.
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They sure screwed Livingston over hopefully they don’t get the chance to do the same to Bradshaw…
Livingston screwed himself, he wasn’t on any boards. Had zero draft buzz and wanted out as fast as he could. Never even considered a return to college let alone UK. He believed Klutch the entire time he was here and it stunted his development. That’s what happens when you don’t control your own decisions. Not playing at the combine was a huge mistake too.
Klutch is doing an outstanding job representing their clients. A lot of people resent them because they don't like the fact that they are aggressively advocating for players. I think Klutch will be around for a long time.
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Fitting. The NBA played ostrich while lebron skirted the rules and owned an agency by proxy. Now I guess they'll do the same when he owns a team by proxy as well.

Klutch should've never been allowed. They definitely skated by on the Terrance Clarke deal when the media more or less covered up the fact that's where he just left and the vehicle was almost surely either 1) a klutch owned or leased vehicle or 2) one they bought/leased for Clarke.

Granted it doesn't mean they were the cause of the tragedy, but no other agency would've ever been given such a wide berth as to not even mention these facts at all.
Buying a team is fool-proof. They go up exponentially in value no matter what. Jordan was an atrocious owner, and made like 1200% on his investment. Dan Snyder and the Washington football team, same thing. Rumors are the Lebron group will own the Las Vegas franchise when the NBA expands.
Livingston screwed himself, he wasn’t on any boards. Had zero draft buzz and wanted out as fast as he could. Never even considered a return to college let alone UK. He believed Klutch the entire time he was here and it stunted his development. That’s what happens when you don’t control your own decisions. Not playing at the combine was a huge mistake too.
Players who want out that badly should get out by all means. Honestly glad he and Wheeler are gone. Toppin had reached his peak here and had connections to land where he did, Ware could see the writing on the wall and did what was best for him.

In this new age of basketball player retention(at least at UK) is a slippery slope. The culture here limits who we want/need to keep.