Kinda sad theme of the board

That's funny. Calbois constantly call anyone who so much as expresses an ounce of concern about the program a fake fan, which IS a smear. I've never seen you object to that once. That makes you a hypocrite.
Calling them Calbois doesn't help at all. Just because I want to talk about the program, the team, the recruits, the returning players, the Bahamas trip, and etc, without having to fight off hijack attempts to make it a negative on Cal doesn't mean I have some kind of sick crush on the coach. It's nonsense. It's like I'm back in junior high and I walked past the bullies table in the cafeteria and they're all attacking with their ignorant jabs. Maybe I should make that my mission as a moderator. Delete every comment that isn't directly related to the thread topic, every hijack attempt. I'd be deleting half your posts lowcountry.
Calling them Calbois doesn't help at all. Just because I want to talk about the program, the team, the recruits, the returning players, the Bahamas trip, and etc, without having to fight off hijack attempts to make it a negative on Cal doesn't mean I have some kind of sick crush on the coach. It's nonsense. It's like I'm back in junior high and I walked past the bullies table in the cafeteria and they're all attacking with their ignorant jabs. Maybe I should make that my mission as a moderator. Delete every comment that isn't directly related to the thread topic, every hijack attempt. I'd be deleting half your posts lowcountry.
Calling fans who disagree with Cal Louisville fans is okay I suppose?
It's only a baiting thread to those who feel like Cal is the spawn of satan and should be drawn and quartered. Otherwise, if you are someone who actually wants to talk about UK basketball and hate what this board has become, it describes your feelings perfectly. It describes my feelings perfectly.

Take for instance, I decided today to actually come see what is happening on the board. This is my first visit in 3 weeks. Every thread is turned into the same thing. It's maddening. We can't talk about UK or basketball or recruiting or the Bahamas tour or anything without all of it turned into attacks on the coach.
There you go generalizing and insulting people. I'm Satan spawn? Really? You probably need more time away from the board. Geez.
There you go generalizing and insulting people. I'm Satan spawn? Really? You probably need more time away from the board. Geez.
And you need a lesson in reading comprehension. Read it again. I was referring to the way people hate Calipari and think HE is the spawn of satan. Geez. Haha! :D
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And you need a lesson in reading comprehension. Read it again. I was referring to the way people hate Calipari and think HE is the spawn of satan. Geez. Haha! :D
You're right. I completely misread that part. But the rest of what I said stands. I doubt anyone thinks Cal is Satan spawn. Nobody thinks he's any of the superlatives some people sling around on this board. Don't like this board? You're part of it. Be as positive with your fellow fan as you are with Cal. That's what I'm saying.
Calling them Calbois doesn't help at all. Just because I want to talk about the program, the team, the recruits, the returning players, the Bahamas trip, and etc, without having to fight off hijack attempts to make it a negative on Cal doesn't mean I have some kind of sick crush on the coach. It's nonsense. It's like I'm back in junior high and I walked past the bullies table in the cafeteria and they're all attacking with their ignorant jabs. Maybe I should make that my mission as a moderator. Delete every comment that isn't directly related to the thread topic, every hijack attempt. I'd be deleting half your posts lowcountry.
It reminds me of the people obsessed with politics. No matter what the subject other people are talking about, they're gonna jump in and derail the conversation to grind their axe.
Calling them Calbois doesn't help at all. Just because I want to talk about the program, the team, the recruits, the returning players, the Bahamas trip, and etc, without having to fight off hijack attempts to make it a negative on Cal doesn't mean I have some kind of sick crush on the coach. It's nonsense. It's like I'm back in junior high and I walked past the bullies table in the cafeteria and they're all attacking with their ignorant jabs. Maybe I should make that my mission as a moderator. Delete every comment that isn't directly related to the thread topic, every hijack attempt. I'd be deleting half your posts lowcountry.
At the very least, you mods need to strictly enforce a ban on the fights/personal insults that are so common. Threads will go on for PAGES of 2 or 3 people just insulting each other.
It's only a baiting thread to those who feel like Cal is the spawn of satan and should be drawn and quartered. Otherwise, if you are someone who actually wants to talk about UK basketball and hate what this board has become, it describes your feelings perfectly. It describes my feelings perfectly.

Take for instance, I decided today to actually come see what is happening on the board. This is my first visit in 3 weeks. Every thread is turned into the same thing. It's maddening. We can't talk about UK or basketball or recruiting or the Bahamas tour or anything without all of it turned into attacks on the coach.
"Spawn of Satan?"

That's EXTREME hyperbole. NOBODY has said anything like that. But if you disagree with this baiting post, you somehow think Cal is the spawn of satan?

I thought the mods were supposed to be impartial.
Calling fans who disagree with Cal Louisville fans is okay I suppose?
Some may be. We're all anonymous here. There have always been people posting here who are fans of other teams and like to stir the pot. They play a role and enjoy laughing at the reactions they get. I certainly don't believe every poster who hates on Cal constantly is a UofL fan, though. There are many UK fans who are doing that these days- true fans who are very disgruntled. And as I said above, I get it. I suppose I just wonder how long we have to continue the same theme. Cal is the coach for next year, at least. Do we have to bash him incessantly and turn every thread into the same bashing for the entire summer? Maybe we can create a month for Cal bashing.... "July is Cal bashing month on Cats Illustrated! Come join the fun! Let's run that SOB out of town! August is torches and pitchforks month if July doesn't do the trick!"
"Spawn of Satan?"

That's EXTREME hyperbole. NOBODY has said anything like that. But if you disagree with this baiting post, you somehow think Cal is the spawn of satan?

I thought the mods were supposed to be impartial.
Nope, I don't have to be impartial. I have my own thoughts. I don't think this was a baiting thread. And no, you don't have to SAY those exact words. Your feelings are well known. I've just put it in terms that are much clearer. And yes, it was hyperbole to make a point.
Some may be. We're all anonymous here. There have always been people posting here who are fans of other teams and like to stir the pot. They play a role and enjoy laughing at the reactions they get. I certainly don't believe every poster who hates on Cal constantly is a UofL fan, though. There are many UK fans who are doing that these days- true fans who are very disgruntled. And as I said above, I get it. I suppose I just wonder how long we have to continue the same theme. Cal is the coach for next year, at least. Do we have to bash him incessantly and turn every thread into the same bashing for the entire summer? Maybe we can create a month for Cal bashing.... "July is Cal bashing month on Cats Illustrated! Come join the fun! Let's run that SOB out of town! August is torches and pitchforks month if July doesn't do the trick!"
Actually that doesn't make sense.Louisville fans love Cal right now so they wouldn't be hating on him.I'm sure they hope he stays 20 more years.He's doing nothing for UK.
Some may be. We're all anonymous here. There have always been people posting here who are fans of other teams and like to stir the pot. They play a role and enjoy laughing at the reactions they get. I certainly don't believe every poster who hates on Cal constantly is a UofL fan, though. There are many UK fans who are doing that these days- true fans who are very disgruntled. And as I said above, I get it. I suppose I just wonder how long we have to continue the same theme. Cal is the coach for next year, at least. Do we have to bash him incessantly and turn every thread into the same bashing for the entire summer? Maybe we can create a month for Cal bashing.... "July is Cal bashing month on Cats Illustrated! Come join the fun! Let's run that SOB out of town! August is torches and pitchforks month if July doesn't do the trick!"
Can we also create a month for Cal lovers?9-16 was covid's fault,everyone is cheating but UK,we beat the 2 teams in the championship and need a popcorn box.You refuse to accept that it goes both ways and only see your side.
At the very least, you mods need to strictly enforce a ban on the fights/personal insults that are so common. Threads will go on for PAGES of 2 or 3 people just insulting each other.
Absolutely agree. And do it on both sides. Don't ban only half the argument. Ban both people.
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Actually that doesn't make sense.Louisville fans love Cal right now so they wouldn't be hating on him.I'm sure they hope he stays 20 more years.He's doing nothing for UK.
Perhaps, but you have to remember this- UofL fans love torturing UK fans. So, whatever they could do to irritate and frustrate UK fans is what some would do. But to be honest, I'd say most of the ones turning every thread into a bash Cal session are UK fans. I don't think calling them Louisville fans is a legitimate explanation for the condition of this board.
Some may be. We're all anonymous here. There have always been people posting here who are fans of other teams and like to stir the pot. They play a role and enjoy laughing at the reactions they get. I certainly don't believe every poster who hates on Cal constantly is a UofL fan, though. There are many UK fans who are doing that these days- true fans who are very disgruntled. And as I said above, I get it. I suppose I just wonder how long we have to continue the same theme. Cal is the coach for next year, at least. Do we have to bash him incessantly and turn every thread into the same bashing for the entire summer? Maybe we can create a month for Cal bashing.... "July is Cal bashing month on Cats Illustrated! Come join the fun! Let's run that SOB out of town! August is torches and pitchforks month if July doesn't do the trick!"
So calling people calbois is wrong but claiming someone is a Louisville fan if they disagree with Cal is okay?Hypocrite much???
Nope, I don't have to be impartial. I have my own thoughts. I don't think this was a baiting thread. And no, you don't have to SAY those exact words. Your feelings are well known. I've just put it in terms that are much clearer. And yes, it was hyperbole to make a point.
Wait wait wait! You now have the ability to read people's FEELINGS? And over the internet, to boot?

So you complain about people using the hyperbolic term 'Calbois' to make a point but you have no problem with using 'Spawn of Satan?'

You're embarrassing yourself.
Wait wait wait! You now have the ability to read people's FEELINGS? And over the internet, to boot?

So you complain about people using the hyperbolic term 'Calbois' to make a point but you have no problem with using 'Spawn of Satan?'

You're embarrassing yourself.
I can say whatever I want LowCountry, and so can you. You embarrass yourself daily here.
Can we also create a month for Cal lovers?9-16 was covid's fault,everyone is cheating but UK,we beat the 2 teams in the championship and need a popcorn box.You refuse to accept that it goes both ways and only see your side.
This is nonsense. I have not seen a single thread created that praises Cal, says he is amazing, etc… Show me one such thread.

Yet, everyday, multiple times a thread is created calling Cal a new (derogatory) nickname, bashing him for something, and hijacking every thread created with anti-Cal garbage.

It’s beyond stupid and has allowed a handful of people (you included) to completely ruin this board.
This is nonsense. I have not seen a single thread created that praises Cal, says he is amazing, etc… Show me one such thread.

Yet, everyday, multiple times a thread is created calling Cal a new (derogatory) nickname, bashing him for something, and hijacking every thread created with anti-Cal garbage.

It’s beyond stupid and has allowed a handful of people (you included) to completely ruin this board.
This from the guy who vomits all over Cal every single game thread.
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This is nonsense. I have not seen a single thread created that praises Cal, says he is amazing, etc… Show me one such thread.


....only you could find fault w/this.
And that's your choice but some of us are facing reality about Cal.
No, some of you are crying into your pillow. Daily. Multiple times a day actually. I’m just as pissed as y’all are, just as frustrated. But I’m not gonna have daily meltdowns. I can find a level spot to stand.

seriously, once a person voices their opinion and makes their stance known, why would they feel the need to repeat it every day for months and months like it’s Groundhog Day? That baffles me
At some point I’m totally expecting at least one mod to have his mad king moment. Game of thrones fans will understand
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You and your minions of negativity... all in the same boat, actually.
CALIPARI created the negativity
CALIPARI agreed to let a player use the program to get drafted
CALIPARI let a player sit in his butt while getting NIL
CALIPARI lied to the fans
CALIPARI talks down to the fans
CALIPARI went 9-17
CALIPARI lost to Robert Morris
CALIPARI lost to Indiana
CALIPARI lost to Evansville
CALIPARI lost to Utah
CALIPARI loses to Tennessee constantly
CALIPARI choked to WVU
CALIPARI choked to UConn TWICE
CALIPARI choked to Wisconsin
CALIPARI choked to Indiana
CALIPARI choked to Kansas State
CALIPARI choked to Auburn
CALIPARI chokes to Saint Peter’s
CALIPARI lost the all time lead to Kansas
CALIPARI lost the tournament win lead to UNC
CALIPARI hasn’t been to a final four in 7 YEARS
CALIPARI hasn’t won a tournament game in 2 YEARS
CALIPARI refuses to play a modern offense
CALIPARI refuses to play a zone defense
CALIPARI refuses to coach in bound plays
CALIPARI refuses to watch tapes
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Nope, I don't have to be impartial. I have my own thoughts. I don't think this was a baiting thread. And no, you don't have to SAY those exact words. Your feelings are well known. I've just put it in terms that are much clearer. And yes, it was hyperbole to make a point.
You cry about negativity, completely forgetting it was Calipari who created the negativity around the program. Don’t shoot the messenger.