Kentucky vs Ole Miss availability report

A broken hand puts you out for an entire season? Must be something more than 'just' a break, right? I mean, I've always heard 6, maybe 8 weeks to fully heal a broken bone. Is there something else going on that isn't widely known? It's been, what, 4 weeks already. How many players in the past have played with a cast - several that I can recall. If there's nerve damage or they had to insert multiple pins, then, okay, it could be that serious. But, there hasn't been, up until now, any hint that this was anything other than a run-of-the-mill break.
A broken hand puts you out for an entire season? Must be something more than 'just' a break, right? I mean, I've always heard 6, maybe 8 weeks to fully heal a broken bone. Is there something else going on that isn't widely known? It's been, what, 4 weeks already. How many players in the past have played with a cast - several that I can recall. If there's nerve damage or they had to insert multiple pins, then, okay, it could be that serious. But, there hasn't been, up until now, any hint that this was anything other than a run-of-the-mill break.

I have NO information as to Chip's injury.

But there are hand injuries that can take a long time and can be problematic. A scaphoid fracture for example can take 3-4 months to heal due to poor blood supply......and in rare instances can start to die on it's own due to poor blood supply.
At first it was reported he would miss least two games, maybe three. Now it’s not known and may be longer. I was anxious to see him play and now it might not happen at all. It’s frustrating and all to common with Kentucky and their injury situations. On the flip side it’s been great to see Patterson and Wilcox get playing time and both are impressive as is Demi.
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