I would love to call this a hangover loss but...

Stoops, tell the guys to think about this turd and what it cost them...then focus on the rest of the season. There's still something special out there...GO GET IT!!!
This is the inevitable second half season collapse we seem to always go through (likely lose our third in a row next week). I'm at the point I don't care about just getting 6-8 wins and going to a bowl anymore. Stoops has done about as much as he can do here. I'm hoping someone takes him off of our hands at this point. Ready for a coach that can teach offense and sign a freaking qb.
This is the inevitable second half season collapse we seem to always go through (likely lose our third in a row next week). I'm at the point I don't care about just getting 6-8 wins and going to a bowl anymore. Stoops has done about as much as he can do here. I'm hoping someone takes him off of our hands at this point. Ready for a coach that can teach offense and sign a freaking qb.

That's fking stupid. I hope you've just had too much to drink.
Another bad series for Levis.

Could’ve checked down to Rigg on 2nd down for several yards, and he then overthrows Wandale on sure first down with a good throw.
I mean what’s it take ? Oklahoma benched Spencer Rattler . Doesn’t have to be for the whole year , just try and win THIS game .
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Our defensive players don’t even enter the screen til the RB has already made the catch & gotten a 5 yard running start on those dump offs. It’s maddening.
They haven't changed anything all night long. It’s like they're trying to hang their hats on the fact that they didn't give up any huge pass plays, like that's some kind of a victory.
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I agree about the TOs being inexcusable, but honestly they are not NEARLY as inexcusable as no review by the officials.

2 different angles shows the ball on the ground…yep, no review necessary. It was especially huge because it was 3rd down, too. So, MSU would have at most 26 points

Again, I don’t give Stoops a pass, there, either because he should’ve challenged the call.
Yeah I agree. That puts them up three scores and he’s complaining like it’s wrong. Better off burning a TO there than saving it
Just shoot the damn horse already

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I have yet to see anything to resemble the rams on offense and that’s all they talk about with coen. Levis is not a good qb who can execute those types plays