BradleyCrawford08 Sophomore Jan 31, 2020 1,279 2,520 113 Louisville, Kentucky Today at 10:03 AM #1 New video on YouTube from UK Sports Video Reactions: nickhorvathsuxazz, TheBlueMist, AppyCat and 1 other person
Bkocats All-American Jan 2, 2011 30,765 67,830 113 Today at 10:17 AM #2 That video gave me chills I hope it pumps them up for this game GO CATS Reactions: nickhorvathsuxazz and BradleyCrawford08
bthaunert All-American Apr 4, 2007 19,746 19,901 113 Today at 10:19 AM #3 I just came to post the same video…the UK basketball video team deserve some major props. They are putting out some great videos. This one is awesome. If you’re interested in seeing videos of the current players reading the letters they got from former players, here is a link to those. Reactions: nickhorvathsuxazz, TheBlueMist and BradleyCrawford08
I just came to post the same video…the UK basketball video team deserve some major props. They are putting out some great videos. This one is awesome. If you’re interested in seeing videos of the current players reading the letters they got from former players, here is a link to those.