Keith Bogans

Was even underrated on his high school team. Remember when many analysts claimed Joe Forte was the better prospect. Forte went in the first round of the NBA draft after playing two years in college at UNC. In comparison Bogans stayed at UK for four years and was drafted in the 2nd round but ended up sticking in the league.
Bogans was the higher rated recruit by most services
Forte had a better 2 year college career and was projected to be a very good pro player
Bogans ended up having the better pro career

on a side note: when they were both in high school and were picking which school, Forte was asked where he was going and he said wherever Bogans is not going
Bogans got into fight with the younger Forte
Thanks Tubby for winning a title no one else would have.
My first game my old man took me to he said “watch #10, he’s supposed to be real good.” No shit. The next four years it was my honor to root for that man.
2003 team was pretty much the embodiment of Bogans leadership. Tough and ruthless. Legitimately my favorite Kentucky team. They didn't just go undefeated in the SEC, they ripped the heads off of several ranked teams.

And not to get political, but that was all in the backdrop of a pending invasion of Iraq. I only mention that because if there was a time for escapism and looking for positive things, it was that year. It was just a perfect setup of time and place.

That loss to Marquette was awful
I'll never forget when I was 9 years old and went to get his autograph and I asked him how his injury was doing and that I believed we win it all if he hadn't gotten hurt. He was very polite, laughed at what I had said and was very appreciative when I told him I could see that he gave it his all anyway. Him and Prince(part of my username, which aged poorly and I want to change but not the Prince part) were so instrumental in my lifelong obsession with anything UK basketball. Was a pleasure to watch them as a youngin'. Also was a huge Fitch fan. He let me read the prayer he has tattooed on his arm, and when we were posing for a picture he grabbed Daniels by the shoulder and made him get in the picture as well.
I was a freshman at UK in ‘03. I remember going to a game against Georgia when they were really good… had the Hayes twins, a good guard named Ezra somethingorother, and Dennis Felton was the coach. They had beaten us the year before, maybe even swept us. Anyway, we came out and dominated and were up 20 at halftime. Vitale came out on the court and told the crowd UK was his pick to win it all. Oh, what might have been. I’ll never forget that season… the turning point Vandy game, 26 wins in a row, undefeated in conference.
Hogans had a significant limp and very poor lateral movement during that game. Pretty much played on one leg. People say, well he had 20 points, but Marquette sagged off him pretty heavy to make it tougher for the other 4.
For the second half of that season, UK played basketball as well as any team has ever played it. But Bogans had no business playing in that game being as injured as he was.
When you are a senior death is the only thing that will keep you off the floor, especially if it's a potential last game.
Hogans had a significant limp and very poor lateral movement during that game. Pretty much played on one leg. People say, well he had 20 points, but Marquette sagged off him pretty heavy to make it tougher for the other 4.
For the second half of that season, UK played basketball as well as any team has ever played it. But Bogans had no business playing in that game being as injured as he was.
Kind of like Willie cauley steins man did to him making it tougher for Karl to score inside Willie could not throw one in the ocean and 10 million dollar idiot could not adjust with booker sitting on the sidelines and the Harrison. Twins throwing the ball away unbelievable 2015 still irks me