KAT on social justice

Towns, as a person, rose dramatically in my eyes as I read this piece. Hard not to root for him knowing what kind of person is behind his pretty dang impressive game.
I think I missed that particular piece of legislation.

We can use them personally, but I'd hate to be "held accountable" by someone else's religious texts, so I'd rather not go down that road.

So you literally want government to legislate morality.

Have you read the 10 commandments.
How many murders have been committed in the entirety of the Commonwealth this year? We're talking about taking life, ass. Not poverty. Not overdoses. MURDER. You aren't worth the thtime taken if you can't even admit to that much.

You're still deflecting answering why blacks care more about the very, very few blacks killed by Law as compared to the number they take themselves. I'm talking outrage in the community, if that's not clear.

Answer the question directly, please, if you can.

Probably because they see people punished (when caught) for one of those while they're told the other is the fault of the person who died. That's the point. Countless people have articulated it. If you choose not to hear them, that's on you.

But I'm interested in your direct answer of how they're exactly the same.
Probably because they see people punished (when caught) for one of those while they're told the other is the fault of the person who died. That's the point. Countless people have articulated it. If you choose not to hear them, that's on you.

But I'm interested in your direct answer of how they're exactly the same.
Weak shit, man. You know it, I know it.

You're right. Obviously, all those guys shot down by LEOS were 100% innocent or otherwise complying. Not like it's commonplace to resist or flee when innocent.

Just as innocent as all those kids that have died in Chicago this year. Damn kids. Can't turn the TV on without someone complaining about the dead black kids that were senselessly killed... wish someone would tackle this NFL/Black Lives Matter pandemic...

Porch light on.
So you challenge someone for a straightforward answer and then reject it with sarcasm, strawmen and no substance.

Great debate. We're done.
Just because we can't cure Aids or Cancer doesn't mean we shouldn't try to cure other minor diseases.
You're making excuses to ignore more black children dying by black hands, and that fact being less media volatile, than a tiny fraction of deaths of LEO altercations.

What you're suggesting is ignoring the forest fire being fought behind you to take Twitter pics of your grill fire ion the parking lot. Good for you? Good for them?

Again... back to the point... when are we going to throw shit fits for 5 pages over these dead black kids in Chicago? I'ts become plainly obvious you guys don't want to answer that question...
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Charles Barkley cracked into the topic the other night of the athletes helping the communities more with actions.

But athletes are always more about me-first, spotlight-style protests than they are actually getting things accomplished. That's part of what makes them athletes: outsized, almost cartoonish egos.

But let's be honest with ourselves: nobody sitting here in the Commonwealth of Kentucky really gives a shit about inner city crime. There's a lot of fake outrage in the "Chicago" thing. It's a political canard...but I agree that it has some merit when you speak particularly of these athlete protests.
You're making excuses to ignore more black children dying by black hands, and that fact being less media volatile, than a tiny fraction of deaths of LEO altercations.

What you're suggesting is ignoring the forest fire being fought behind you to take Twitter pics of your grill fire ion the parking lot. Good for you? Good for them?

Again... back to the point... when are we going to throw shit fits for 5 pages over these dead black kids in Chicago? I'ts become plainly obvious you guys don't want to answer that question...

Yeah but there is no one saying ignore the bigger issue.

No one is trying to diminish anything here.

The original post was about an article that KAT wrote about social justice. He's allowed to talk about this issue.

I'm not sure why anyone is making this an either/or thing. Like your supposed to not talk about these altercations because a bigger problem is occurring. Both are important.
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I'm still trying to understand what exactly KAT stated in his article that was liberal? It sounded like a well thought out reasoned response.

1. I don't think he ever stated his support of kneeling for National Anthem?
2. He is bothered by shooting of unarmed black man in Minnesota.
3. He is bothered by Charlottesville protest organized by people carrying rebel flags, all white people and some other unsavory people.
4. He is bothered that Trump really botched his first public comments that condemned both sides and wasn't specific to a side that publically denouncing White supremicist until 2nd speach...that bothered alot of people.

And I voted from Trump and support his general agenda (America first, repeal Obamocare, lower immigration impacts, conservative Supreme court judge, lower taxes and speed up the economy for all)....but I'm bothered by Trump's Charlottesville response, his constant bickering within his own cabinet members publicly, his birth certificate issue with Obama, etc...). It isn't a big deal to me if other people don't like all things Trump....KAT is a good dude regardless of his political leanings.

dont really want to get involved in this argument, but that wasnt his first comments. it was after about 4 speeches, during an infrastructure press conference. might want to get your facts straight.

Which is why it infuriates me that it's used as a dog whistle to rile up a voter base around fabricated arguments. It's just not what's going on. You can't interpret someone else's protest for them and tell them what they mean.

typical. your opinion and thoughts are more important than the actual person who started this kneeling. typical, typical, typical.
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I'm still trying to understand what exactly KAT stated in his article that was liberal? It sounded like a well thought out reasoned response.

1. I don't think he ever stated his support of kneeling for National Anthem?
2. He is bothered by shooting of unarmed black man in Minnesota.
3. He is bothered by Charlottesville protest organized by people carrying rebel flags, all white people and some other unsavory people.
4. He is bothered that Trump really botched his first public comments that condemned both sides and wasn't specific to a side that publically denouncing White supremicist until 2nd speach...that bothered alot of people.

And I voted from Trump and support his general agenda (America first, repeal Obamocare, lower immigration impacts, conservative Supreme court judge, lower taxes and speed up the economy for all)....but I'm bothered by Trump's Charlottesville response, his constant bickering within his own cabinet members publicly, his birth certificate issue with Obama, etc...). It isn't a big deal to me if other people don't like all things Trump....KAT is a good dude regardless of his political leanings.
I was bothered about the fact that he failed to mention another police shooting in the Twin Cities. The Castile shooting, which he did mention, was not a case involving an unarmed man. Castile was armed, though it was a bullshit shooting and should not have happened. But at least Castile's killer went to trial, even if the jury acquitted. So far Officer Noor hasn't been charged yet, and Towns can't find in within himself to address what may well be the worst police shooting in years, if not ever. It happened in his city. His otherwise well written and thoughtful article loses quite a few points for this omission.
This whole thing is disgusting. We've got the extreme right and the extreme left committing acts of violence, hate speech, facism, and even terrorism. I would argue that both groups are very vocal minorities of our country, but that doesn't diminish the damage they're causing.

We have to stop viewing each other by the color of our skin. the color of one's skin makes up, approximately, the same percentage of one's gentletic makeup as their eye color. So, basically nothing.

Don't hate people for the color of their skin. There are plenty of reasons not to like someone without devolving to that.

Stop viewing this as white vs black, gay vs straight, etc. what's going on right now is American on American crime. And with all the people that don't like us across the globe I would think we have enough to deal with without going after each other.

Somebody should have waxed so enlightened maybe well before the founding of the nation but it was just fine to see color from slavery, to native genocide, to the building of the railroads out west, to Jim Crow, to segregation, to red lining, to police murdering and shaking down minorities,the current comeback to the forefront of White Nationalism right now.

Some pushback now from those whose forebears who have systemically been oppressed for literally hundreds of years and finally now is when skin color mist be gotten past or in more absurd quarters is a non-issue and let the folks that have been on the other end call the balls and strikes on what is problematic because they have the clear view on what is what, right?

The dead wrong for four hundred years crowd has not an iota of shame nor a lick of sense, all the empathy of a stone, and little to no thought of history or even understanding of the present just entitlement and super phony and paranoid delusions of being aggrieved.
Somebody should have waxed so enlightened maybe well before the founding of the nation but it was just fine to see color from slavery, to native genocide, to the building of the railroads out west, to Jim Crow, to segregation, to red lining, to police murdering and shaking down minorities,the current comeback to the forefront of White Nationalism right now.

Some pushback now from those whose forebears who have systemically been oppressed for literally hundreds of years and finally now is when skin color mist be gotten past or in more absurd quarters is a non-issue and let the folks that have been on the other end call the balls and strikes on what is problematic because they have the clear view on what is what, right?

The dead wrong for four hundred years crowd has not an iota of shame nor a lick of sense, all the empathy of a stone, and little to no thought of history or even understanding of the present just entitlement and super phony and paranoid delusions of being aggrieved.
You're right, I don't have any shame. Because it wasn't me, or my parents, or even my grandparents that held the whip. I'm not responsible for my or anyone else's (with the same skin color) ancsestors actions. And I will not pay for a crime I didn't commit.

And just so you know, every "race" on this planet has been enslaved at some point. White, Black, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Middle Eastern, European, etc have all had slaves in their history.

so why do you refuse to move forward? Why are you so stuck on keeping us in that hateful part pf our past?
Somebody should have waxed so enlightened maybe well before the founding of the nation but it was just fine to see color from slavery, to native genocide, to the building of the railroads out west, to Jim Crow, to segregation, to red lining, to police murdering and shaking down minorities,the current comeback to the forefront of White Nationalism right now.

Some pushback now from those whose forebears who have systemically been oppressed for literally hundreds of years and finally now is when skin color mist be gotten past or in more absurd quarters is a non-issue and let the folks that have been on the other end call the balls and strikes on what is problematic because they have the clear view on what is what, right?

The dead wrong for four hundred years crowd has not an iota of shame nor a lick of sense, all the empathy of a stone, and little to no thought of history or even understanding of the present just entitlement and super phony and paranoid delusions of being aggrieved.
Also, dial down the vocabulary a bit because you're sacrificing too much grammar to sound smart/fancy. I'm not even 100%sure I know what your opinion is. I'm not trying to be your English teacher but your post is nearly unreadable.
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Also, dial down the vocabulary a bit because you're sacrificing too much grammar to sound smart/fancy. I'm not even 100%sure I know what your opinion is. I'm not trying to be your English teacher but your post is nearly unreadable.
If you are old enough to remember, try reading it again with this character in mind

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No white person in America today should have any shame for slavery.

Some of these PC warriors want there to be shame because they're in the shame business. The more shame, the more guilt; the more guilt, the more $$$$ to an industry that thrives on people's self-loathing.

But all people--white, black, everybody--should be man and woman enough to acknowledge that there are remnants of slavery in these communities. The same thing is happening in blasted-out Appalachian communities. These people are victims of that history...and occasionally they're willing participants in their own victimization.

This is all a necessary conversation to have because it comes up in a lot of things we do in our daily lives.
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