It's looking really good for Acaden Lewis and Caleb Wilson to UK

hater but a very strong disliker
used car sales man yes indeed, he would tell everyone what they wanted to hear
inability to coach yes.......from his 1st year, when UK was far and away the best team in the county, Huggins gave him a coaching lesson that he NEVER learned. Huggy played a zone & ccc was idea how to attack & WVU's best player was out. This was indicator #2 of his lack of coaching ability.
#1 was when he did not foul the Kansas player with a 3 point lead & time running out, allowing a tie & loss in overtime of the NCAA title. More proof of coaching stupidity, against UCONN, their guard way too quick for UK guards, yet ccc has them pick them up high & allow them to drive for easy shots. I
n 2015, he allowed the twins to single handedly let that victory go. Instead of DEMANDING that the ball go inside to KAT, who was basically unstoppable that night, he allowed them to dribble out the clock and then throw the ball away or shoot an air ball. He allowed this TWICE in a row, instead of calling a time out.
And for good measure, let's throw in the worst record in UK history, and the loss of the all time wins record to Kansas.
Maybe the 1st round loss in the NCAA is more your style
Oh, wait what about the total charade concerning Sharpe and his entourage, that mad UK a laughing stock. To this day, he still hasn't told the truth about that.
And last year the starting of his promised ones, Edwards & Wagner, starting even though they were totally out played by Sheppard & Dillingham.
For good measure should we throw in his famous line of "gotta get that kid more time", only for the kid never to see the court again.
There are so many more examples of his double talk, but the bottom line is he was paid to win games for the University of Kentucky, not strive to be the NBA's minor league.
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How about some paragraphs and no more run on sentences.
Agree. Not reading all that BS. Further proves my point that he doesn't have the intelligence and reading comprehension to debate topics or talk basketball. I am sure he didn't give what he expects out of Pope this year and how it compares to Cal's first 11/12 years. If he did give it, I will not read all of that 2nd grade post to find out.
#4 Wilson 6-9 205
#12 Johnson 6-4 180
#27 Moreno 7-0 245
#34 Lewis 6-2 185

to go with
SR- Oweh 6-5 210
JR- Garrison 6-11 245
SO- Chandler 6-5 190
SO- Perry 6-1 180
SO- Noah 6-6 210
SR- Horn 6-4 185
SR- Darbyshire 6-3 190

add a couple upperclassmen to that roster and look out.
This is what we should hope for.

Pope needs to get those four Freshmen locked up by November and then concentrate on making sure we get those five scholarship guys back.

Then this Spring add an experienced PG to be the starter at the 1 and a stretch 4 to backup Wilson.

That leaves two scholarships to add a couple of multi year guys from the ‘25 class.
Add a pure pass first PG, a starter quality SF and a backup/stretch 4 from the portal and that roster is complete.
I think in that scenario the priorities are:

1. Veteran PG
2. Stretch 4

Oweh (6’5, 215) will start at the 3, in that scenario. Chandler (6’6) will back him up. Noah is also a 3.

The 3 spot might be our deepest spot if Oweh returns.
Didn’t necessarily translate into results on the court? Didn’t translate into results on the court.
I was over cal in 2020, but he did have a pretty decent run until then. We won a championship with the model, but that was before others caught onto the recruiting strategy. If he was a more consistent coach, we probably wouldnt have wanted a change.
hater but a very strong disliker
used car sales man yes indeed, he would tell everyone what they wanted to hear
inability to coach yes.......from his 1st year, when UK was far and away the best team in the county, Huggins gave him a coaching lesson that he NEVER learned. Huggy played a zone & ccc was idea how to attack & WVU's best player was out. This was indicator #2 of his lack of coaching ability.
#1 was when he did not foul the Kansas player with a 3 point lead & time running out, allowing a tie & loss in overtime of the NCAA title. More proof of coaching stupidity, against UCONN, their guard way too quick for UK guards, yet ccc has them pick them up high & allow them to drive for easy shots. I
n 2015, he allowed the twins to single handedly let that victory go. Instead of DEMANDING that the ball go inside to KAT, who was basically unstoppable that night, he allowed them to dribble out the clock and then throw the ball away or shoot an air ball. He allowed this TWICE in a row, instead of calling a time out.
And for good measure, let's throw in the worst record in UK history, and the loss of the all time wins record to Kansas.
Maybe the 1st round loss in the NCAA is more your style
Oh, wait what about the total charade concerning Sharpe and his entourage, that mad UK a laughing stock. To this day, he still hasn't told the truth about that.
And last year the starting of his promised ones, Edwards & Wagner, starting even though they were totally out played by Sheppard & Dillingham.
For good measure should we throw in his famous line of "gotta get that kid more time", only for the kid never to see the court again.
There are so many more examples of his double talk, but the bottom line is he was paid to win games for the University of Kentucky, not strive to be the NBA's minor league.
all true. i will kinda disagree about 1 thing. ccc didnt 'allow' them to dribble out the clock. he 'demanded' it. that was his m/o. get the lead and run the clock out. everybody blamed andrew harrison but i 100% believe cal told them to not start until under 10 seconds. then he would scream at them GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!. like it was thier fault
so glad he is gone
This is what we should hope for.

Pope needs to get those four Freshmen locked up by November and then concentrate on making sure we get those five scholarship guys back.

Then this Spring add an experienced PG to be the starter at the 1 and a stretch 4 to backup Wilson.

That leaves two scholarships to add a couple of multi year guys from the ‘25 class.
I agree that I think Pope will likely go after a PG and PF from the portal. But I still believe in the power of the UK brand. I think UK has the drawing power and NIL to get one of the top 2 to 3 PFs in the portal, rather than just a backup stretch 4.
I agree that I think Pope will likely go after a PG and PF from the portal. But I still believe in the power of the UK brand. I think UK has the drawing power and NIL to get one of the top 2 to 3 PFs in the portal, rather than just a backup stretch 4.
So if we get Wilson at PF, you think we can get a starter level guy at PF in the portal?

That seems like a very hard sell. There’s just not enough minutes to go around, IMHO.
I hope both Lewis and Wilson come, with what we have that would be fantastic. One thing this team will have that we haven't had in a long time, is tons of experience and lots of shooters. We have enough size and now have what we always lacked under Cal most years.
So if we get Wilson at PF, you think we can get a starter level guy at PF in the portal?

That seems like a very hard sell. There’s just not enough minutes to go around, IMHO.
I think so, assuming Wilson signs in the Fall. There will likely be at least a half-dozen better PFs in the portal in the Spring. Now, by better I mean the guy who most impacts the team winning games next season - not projected or actual NBA draft position. Wilson would still get a ton of playing time as the 2nd line PF if Pope continues playing the way he has in the past (e.g., 10 guys play a lot of minutes). I just don't think the top transfer portal guys are scared of high school recruits when they are assured fair competition because they are just almost always better (using my definition of "better").

Plus, this "best player starts" approach could actually benefit many of these guys even if being one-and-done is their main factor in coming to a school. The NBA drafts largely on potential. Show too much too early and it could hurt draft stock. But if a freshman is used judiciously in spots that are better for him at that stage of development, then I think it could actually benefit his draft position. I believe Edwards is a good example of a kid that might have benefited from this approach.
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So if we get Wilson at PF, you think we can get a starter level guy at PF in the portal?

That seems like a very hard sell. There’s just not enough minutes to go around, IMHO.

Yeah I'm not really following. You'd essentially have this:

PG Lewis Perry
SG Johnson Chandler
SF Oweh Noah
PF Wilson
C Garrison Moreno

An obvious spot for a backup PF, and a backup, or equal to, PG, but I don't see much else needed.
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Yeah I'm not really following. You'd essentially have this:

PG Lewis Perry
SG Johnson Chandler
SF Oweh Noah
PF Wilson
C Garrison Moreno

An obvious spot for a backup PF, and a backup, or equal to, PG, but I don't see much else needed.

Need to add a veteran PG and a veteran backup PF. Preferably both good long range shooters and passers.

PG Portal/Lewis
SG Johnson/Perry
SF Oweh/Chandler/Noah
PF Wilson/Portal
C Garrison/Moreno

Add two Freshmen multi year players (probably a wing and a big) and that’s the roster, the way I see it.
I think so, assuming Wilson signs in the Fall. There will likely be at least a half-dozen better PFs in the portal in the Spring. Now, by better I mean the guy who most impacts the team winning games next season - not projected or actual NBA draft position. Wilson would still get a ton of playing time as the 2nd line PF if Pope continues playing the way he has in the past (e.g., 10 guys play a lot of minutes). I just don't think the top transfer portal guys are scared of high school recruits when they are assured fair competition because they are just almost always better (using my definition of "better").

Plus, this "best player starts" approach could actually benefit many of these guys even if being one-and-done is their main factor in coming to a school. The NBA drafts largely on potential. Show too much too early and it could hurt draft stock. But if a freshman is used judiciously in spots that are better for him at that stage of development, then I think it could actually benefit his draft position. I believe Edwards is a good example of a kid that might have benefited from this approach.
In a perfect world, that’s how it works.

But guys still consider competition and playing time when deciding on where to go. Now money is also involved.

The top rated PF in the portal is still going to think twice about coming here and competing with Wilson when, hypothetically speaking, another SEC (or Big 10 or Big 12, etc.) school is offering the same money and no competition at that spot.

I just don’t see us getting a top ranked portal guy at PF with Wilson committed.

Right now we have Carr and Almonor at the 4. I see it this way, Wilson replaces Carr and we will get someone similar to Almonor to back him up.
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In a perfect world, that’s how it works.

But guys still consider competition and playing time when deciding on where to go. Now money is also involved.

The top rated PF in the portal is still going to think twice about coming here and competing with Wilson when, hypothetically speaking, another SEC (or Big 10 or Big 12, etc.) school is offering the same money and no competition at that spot.

I just don’t see us getting a top ranked portal guy at PF with Wilson committed.

Right now we have Carr and Almonor at the 4. I see it this way, Wilson replaces Carr and we will get someone similar to Almonor to back him up.
You're right that the players are going to consider competition, that's a good point. And I even think they will still consider that before even the NIL money. But I don't think the top-rated PF in the portal is usually going to be scared off by a high school PF - especially if you have good recruiters who are smart enough to explain what they are trying to accomplish. As Padsfs07 was making the point above, all these guys understand that teams need to have at least two players who can competently man each position in order to both win now and build continuity and ensure winning going forward. And the UK brand is still a powerful and attractive scale tipper I believe. Also, the good thing maybe with how Pope has been playing in regard to recruiting is that he can show the proof that his 2nd level players often get minutes approaching what the starter gets.

But I would say - and hold on, because many here will consider this blasphemous - that if what you say is correct, and Pope knew he could not get a top portal PF in the Spring if he lands Wilson in the Fall; then in that very specific event (which I don't actually believe), honestly I would hope UK doesn't land Wilson and gets a more developmental type (whether game, maturity wise, etc.) but skilled PF from the high school ranks instead. Because I believe it is highly likely that UK will almost always (1) be better with a top-rated portal PF vs freshman PF (usually I would hope for a returning PF over either); and (2) have the gravitas and ability to land a top-rated portal PF. I just think it is likely a huge letdown to be expecting Wilson to have the type of impact on winning that a Carr type (experienced, mature, shooting developed, all-around game) upperclassman would have.
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Need to add a veteran PG and a veteran backup PF. Preferably both good long range shooters and passers.

PG Portal/Lewis
SG Johnson/Perry
SF Oweh/Chandler/Noah
PF Wilson/Portal
C Garrison/Moreno

Add two Freshmen multi year players (probably a wing and a big) and that’s the roster, the way I see it.
We, of course, disagree a little on who likely starts, but I'm with you on the roster construction.
And there were those that was worried that Mark Pope might not be able to recruit at a level that would satisfy UK fans..... Put that worry to rest. Any coach with an ounce of work ethic can recruit at a high level at Kentucky, especially if he's got a personality like Mark Pope & plays a free wheeling style of offense that Pope coaches.
Plus the parents of kids have to feel like they are in great hands with Pope.
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Yes Pope is replacing some big shoes from ccc's 1st 5 years, but not the last 8 years or so. They were pretty much forgettable, with some even embarrassing. If you want to slobber all over ccc and say he was the greatest thing since sunshine, go ahead. Me, I think he was an over paid used car salesman that thumbed his nose at the university, his boss, the fans, and the tradition. He was/is an arrogant clown that could not out coach a grade school coach. He could not accept the fact that the fans could see thru his games and favoritism which caused unacceptable losses to inferior opponents and the inability to compete with top tier teams. In the end, this same arrogance cost him his job @ UK. For that, I am grateful.
Very well said 👏 👍 👌 🙌 couldn't have said it better myself!!
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