Is this the longest week in the history of weeks?

Mar 5, 2014
Sure seems like it got an extra day or two added to it.

I can only watch and read so much about the 'Cats without passing out in anticipation....
Longest week of my life. I bet I've looked at the clock a thousand times today and each time I do it reads 2:18.
I keep feeling like those missed snow days are being made up this week. UGH
Week is driving me nuts.

Seems like it will never ever end. But then if it does end ball season is almost over, win or lose. Giving me a minor complex.
Originally posted by LouisvilleBlueCat:
Sure seems like it got an extra day or two added to it.

I can only watch and read so much about the 'Cats without passing out in anticipation....
You're not much on foreplay are you? This is the week that stimulates you and builds you up for a climax, or the loony bin.....

It's a double edge sword. On one hand you want it to hurry up and get here but on the other hand you would like to savior the moment as a lot of the players will be gone once the final game is played and if it ends in a loss it will be that much worse.
I'm also anxious as hell. I spent over the first half of last week laying half-conscious in LCRH -- long story short, I have bouts where I'm constantly nauseous and can't keep any food or drink down for dangerously long periods of time -- and I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that my constant fretting about UK basketball contributes in some small way to my condition.

You know what, though? Despite it all, it's worth it. And I don't give a hoot if that sounds ridiculous. Whenever I'd summon up the guts to look at my IV I'd imagine the blood being blue to help keep me more comfortable. xD