I'm having mixed emotions about Pope's first season at UK ...


May 23, 2002
... JOY and HAPPINESS !! There will be no season whose arrival will be more anticipated than this year and I have no expectations about the wins and losses. I am just happy beyond words that we've now moved beyond Calipari but I have a growing sense that Pope will over-achieve to the point Cal will not want to return to Rupp.
I’m expecting to at least be in the top 15. I don’t know if I have unrealistic expectations but I think with all the vets on this team we will have a very good season .
Vets will be critically important and a welcomed change but I'm also looking forward to seeing Pope's style of play and how the players respond. I hope BBN is patient and give him the time he and the players need ... but they may get it going sooner than we expect.

Why are you having mixed emotions about Cal possibly not wanting to return to Rupp?
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I’m expecting to at least be in the top 15. I don’t know if I have unrealistic expectations but I think with all the vets on this team we will have a very good season .
I think it might possibly take half a season to get there, but I think top 15 as well. I'm trying really hard to temper my expectations, but I'm giddy about all of it. I won't be surprised if we stumble out of the gate. But I also won't be surprised if we're a top trending team by March.
They’re gonna get you. Noci is a man and oddly a girlfriend to several member of the group of bullies on this board. They will get you for going at their “girl”.

He got busted using a fake avi and used this and claimed it was really him… well her. Noci zoomed in so people couldn’t do a reverse image search of this new avi.
I keep seeing people talk about it, but I must've missed the thread where all this happened.
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Win at least 20 reg season games, and win your first opening round ncaa game....thats better than what Cal produced in the past sometimes.
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Thats what Im expecting. Give me some hope this year. I don't want another 9 win season or complete melt down during a second chance at a title during the final four against Wisconsin.
Thats what Im expecting. Give me some hope this year. I don't want another 9 win season or complete melt down during a second chance at a title during the final four against Wisconsin.

The first part should never happen at UK and I don't think it'll happen under Pope.

As far as the second one.........listen if this team is in a final four and has a complete meltdown I'll be bummed out for sure but it will have exceeded expectations IMO.
I think this team's overall talent, depth, experience, defense and shooting is much much better then he has ever had on a roster. BYU was a 6 seed should of been a 5 seed last year. Pope has all the tools and staff to get it done. I'm not expecting a title year one but I'm willing to bet he puts in the conversation of one of a handful of teams that's can win it all with a 1-4 seed.
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Can’t lie, was really looking forward to Cals first year especially after the haul he brought in with wall, Bledsoe and Cousins and I was clamoring for awhile for him to be here before that. That ran its course and then some. I’m trying not to have too many expectations this first season with pope, rather just enjoy watching a coached basketball team for the first time in 15 plus years. Love the team he has assembled though and the pieces are there to be good and with popes coaching I think can be very good. Another poster said it best, I want this to be very good for pope, he wears UK’s heart on his sleeve and he is deserving of success here.
Can’t lie, was really looking forward to Cals first year especially after the haul he brought in with wall, Bledsoe and Cousins and I was clamoring for awhile for him to be here before that. That ran its course and then some. I’m trying not to have too many expectations this first season with pope, rather just enjoy watching a coached basketball team for the first time in 15 plus years. Love the team he has assembled though and the pieces are there to be good and with popes coaching I think can be very good. Another poster said it best, I want this to be very good for pope, he wears UK’s heart on his sleeve and he is deserving of success here.
Nice post ... especially the comment about seeing some real coaching from a UK coach.
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I’m expecting to at least be in the top 15. I don’t know if I have unrealistic expectations but I think with all the vets on this team we will have a very good season .
Agreed. Experienced players. Very Experienced. Think they will have good depth. Believe UK experience they are having is also helping. None of them have had this kind of support and fanfare.
I think we're going to be pretty good this year due to all the exlerience we have. Got a lot of seniors who's going to give it their all due to this being it for their college careers. We're going to have some loud amd rowdy crowds this season. I can't wait for the first three to be jacked up. It'll sound like Pitinos time here when the whole damn crowd yelled "THREE!!!" I'm so excited for the season.
I’m excited for the season.
I think the team ends the season much better than our last couple seasons.
I’m going to say (Sweat 16 - Elite 8).

I think a couple kids get drafted and a couple TOP HS Kids commit to UK under Pope.
Right, the 93-94, 95-96, 09-10, 11-12, 14-15 and 16-17 season levels of excitement was like sitting at a red light compared to this.

After I express my opinion and personal feelings.


triggered GIF
Patience. That's the word I use for my expectations for Pope and this team this year. It might take him awhile to get his system in place and bring a group together that hasn't played a minute as a team before. Not expecting miracles this first season and just want to give him a chance and hoping he will have great success and UK fans to have a team to look forward to cheering for. Very excited for the season to begin this year.
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Patience. That's the word I use for my expectations for Pope and this team this year. It might take him awhile to get his system in place and bring a group together that hasn't played a minute as a team before. Not expecting miracles this first season and just want to give him a chance and hoping he will have great success and UK fans to have a team to look forward to cheering for. Very excited for the season to begin this year.
After the train wreck the program has been the last few years, it will be easy for me to have patience with Pope. The cool thing is though, I don't think he's being patient. He wants to win this year and is making no excuses. Love that.
Well Pope and staff built a roster much quicker than i thought they could. I think our rosters going foward will have a little more staying power, without the focus being NBA fast track each year, for that I am grateful.
I think September October and November are going to be pandemonium, at least for me. Other off seasons under Cal, you began to learn what to expect. Talented teams, probably going to be good at some point, but will struggle a bit early. I didn't really feel the need to check in all that much during the fall.

But now, whole different ball game. I can't wait to read practice reports, watch film, see how the team is progressing. And those first few exhibitions and games, we're going to be glued to the TV to see if Pope can be the real deal. We win those first few games, even if some of them are gimmes, and it's going to turn into a fever pitch real quick.

He turned a bunch of mormons and 2*/3* athletes who had to sign a list of obligations... into a 6-seed while playing in the Big12. I know we need to temper expectations.. but I think he could be a HOF coach in the making. He's going to have a heck of a lot better team next year.
Laughing at how fake you are. Triggered is saying dumb shit like this is the most excited you’ve ever been. Everyone knows you’re lying and a complete fraud.

We’re probably not national title contenders but this is more exciting than all the times we were.
- This moron

Kyle Mcmahon GIF by Pop Culture Weekly with Kyle McMahon
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... JOY and HAPPINESS !! There will be no season whose arrival will be more anticipated than this year and I have no expectations about the wins and losses. I am just happy beyond words that we've now moved beyond Calipari but I have a growing sense that Pope will over-achieve to the point Cal will not want to return to Rupp.
Kind of confused on your thread title and post. Mixed emotions ? Joy and happiness are the same thing ? What is it that causes your "mixed" emotions ?
I think this year is going to have plenty of ups and downs but I am more excited than any recent year we've had over the past 5.
These guys are really going to be fun to watch.
Yeah, we may have some tough losses but unlike when Cow was here, we'll improve from those losses.

I think this team will soar!
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After the train wreck the program has been the last few years, it will be easy for me to have patience with Pope. The cool thing is though, I don't think he's being patient. He wants to win this year and is making no excuses. Love that.
I agree with you and also about Pope wanting to win this year. But, trying to be realistic, I think it will take him a little time to get things rolling. Hope I'm very shocked and we bring home #9 this year.
Kind of confused on your thread title and post. Mixed emotions ? Joy and happiness are the same thing ? What is it that causes your "mixed" emotions ?
It was intended as a joke, but since you asked, they are not the same.

Joy is a constant while happiness is temporary.
Joy is about selflessness, and happiness involves pleasing oneself.
Joy can be deeply spiritual, but happiness lacks depth.
Joy is meaningful while happiness feels good.
Joy is a choice a person makes, while people chase after happiness.
Joy transforms and happiness can hold you back.

Choose JOY!

Doesn’t Pope want to win every year?
Uh, yes, but that's not what I was saying. I did state he would want to win, if you read what I typed. I was stating my opinion that it will take a bit of time to get his system and guys to win a title. I was just suggesting being patient with the process and give him time in case we didn't have immediate success this year. I'm thinking you didn't read both my posts as I don't really understand your challenge to my statements.
I think this year is going to have plenty of ups and downs but I am more excited than any recent year we've had over the past 5.
These guys are really going to be fun to watch.
Yeah, we may have some tough losses but unlike when Cow was here, we'll improve from those losses.

I think this team will soar!
The only thing you learn from losing, is how to lose. By the way, it is CAL, not Cow. Typo I am sure.

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