I quit watching 4 years ago because of Cal

Mar 31, 2013
and as I feared, he destroyed the program! Kentucky has now struck out on one elite coach who was offered insane money, and an average at best coach who was offered way too much for what he’s worth. If UK doesn’t score Donovan, that’s it, we have officially become Indiana and lost our blue blood status! UConn has replaced us as the fourth blue blood with Kansas, UNC and Duke. I didn’t think Cal
Could totally destroy UK, but as of now it appears he has! Flame away!
and as I feared, he destroyed the program! Kentucky has now struck out on one elite coach who was offered insane money, and an average at best coach who was offered way too much for what he’s worth. If UK doesn’t score Donovan, that’s it, we have officially become Indiana and lost our blue blood status! UConn has replaced us as the fourth blue blood with Kansas, UNC and Duke. I didn’t think Cal
Could totally destroy UK, but as of now it appears he has! Flame away!
You missed some fun games then. You should have seen this Oscar fella we had. Go YouTube some of his rebounding highlights. A machine!!!
Dont say that jokingly Mark Pope be a lot better than the clown
What's to say that Pope isn't the right answer?

At some point the fan base may have to turn away from measuring the quality of a coach based solely on their win-loss record at other schools and measure it based on hunger to win and prove themselves.

It's mind-boggling to me how much emphasis people on this board put on a coach's win-loss record at other schools. The teams, facilities, and quality of players will be different. What a coach did at one school doesn't mean anything as to what he will do at UK.

If you're having to throw 10's of millions of dollars at a coach to come here... just how hungry are they going to be to win? They're going to get paid either way.

A coach that wants to win will go a long ways towards winning.
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and as I feared, he destroyed the program! Kentucky has now struck out on one elite coach who was offered insane money, and an average at best coach who was offered way too much for what he’s worth. If UK doesn’t score Donovan, that’s it, we have officially become Indiana and lost our blue blood status! UConn has replaced us as the fourth blue blood with Kansas, UNC and Duke. I didn’t think Cal
Could totally destroy UK, but as of now it appears he has! Flame away!
I think UK will be alright in the long run, just glad that Cal is finally gone I have not been impressed since he lost in 2015 with one of the most talented teams 1 thru 10 since maybe UCLA.
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Dont say that jokingly Mark Pope be a lot better than the clown
Pope does well for where he's at. We say that about a lot of coaches, but look at the qualifications for a student athlete to attend BYU. He's competitive in the Big 12 with a tough sell to recruits.
I'll never stop watching, but Cal changed the foundation of the program IMO. A sand foundation, as Coach Rupp said when he retired.
I made a post not to long ago about this same topic. I've been here under this name since 2009 and had a different user name that I can't remember and forgot the password. I have been butthurt since 2015, Wisconsin. 2019 cemented it for me, I haven't watched a game, been to a game or bought a piece of UK merchandise since then as my own little protest. Coach Cal by everything I have read or saw seems to be a great person with his charity work and the way he takes care of players, I just got sick of being beat by inferior competition on a regular basis. I wish him nothing but the best in his future endeavors and thank him for the first couple of years, especially 2012.
What's to say that Pope isn't the right answer?

At some point the fan base may have to turn away from measuring the quality of a coach based solely on their win-loss record at other schools and measure it based on hunger to win and prove themselves.

It's mind-boggling to me how much emphasis people on this board put on a coach's win-loss record at other schools. The teams, facilities, and quality of players will be different. What a coach did at one school doesn't mean anything as to what he will do at UK.

If you're having to throw 10's of millions of dollars at a coach to come here... just how hungry are they going to be to win? They're going to get paid either way.

A coach that wants to win will go a long ways towards winning.
I like pope
What's to say that Pope isn't the right answer?

At some point the fan base may have to turn away from measuring the quality of a coach based solely on their win-loss record at other schools and measure it based on hunger to win and prove themselves.

It's mind-boggling to me how much emphasis people on this board put on a coach's win-loss record at other schools. The teams, facilities, and quality of players will be different. What a coach did at one school doesn't mean anything as to what he will do at UK.

If you're having to throw 10's of millions of dollars at a coach to come here... just how hungry are they going to be to win? They're going to get paid either way.

A coach that wants to win will go a long ways towards winning.
If it’s pope we are finished.