I fear we ruined this young man’s day.

So forced. So desperate for attention. Glad we ruined this clowns day.

God knows I love me some football, but I’m not letting it put me in a rubber room (for younger fans, the mentally unstable were once placed in rooms literally surrounded by soft rubber walls to prevent injuries, a.k.a., “rubber rooms.” But, with the loosening of eligibility requirements at the Universities of Louisville and Tennessee, they are not needed as commonly, today).
Can’t imagine ever reacting to anything like that much less a football game. But the idea of recording it and then posting it to social is beyond ridiculous. Gen Z is cooked.
Also got to love that the rest of the SEC is conditioned to think we are an automatic W. Can’t wait to watch the Georgia version of this video one of these days.
He got the attention he so desired. When I was a kid, would have gotten my mouth washed out with a bar of soap.