How Did 1989 Coach Search Play Out?

You all should read Pitino's book where he discusses this. It's actually a great book with tons of behind the scenes stuff.


Pitino turned the offer down at first. CM Newton didn't try to sugercoat the pitch either when he visited. Pitino also had a strained relationship with the GM of the Knicks at the time who would eventually be replaced right after this, if I recall correctly.

How Pitino took the Celtics job is an interesting story. He was also set to draft Dirk Nowitzki and then got outmaneuvered by Don Nelson.
I remember being concerned lee rose would end up as the coach. CM Newton though was a hell of AD to bring basketball back. I think AD turnover should occur every 7 years or so so that things don’t become stale. Our biggest problem is our AD has been here too long and made mistakes over and over again. Unfortunately this time we can’t afford another Barney error. Someone needs to step up like CM and find that coach who has the fire pitino did.
Looks like they found the right guy with the fire.