Herro the next Bob Cousy?

No way. cousy was smaller and more of a maravich type guard, exceptional ball handler, play maker.
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I see some Cousy in him but when I watch him I think more of a young white version of Akeem Olajuwan. :cool2:
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Well they both play/played basketball, and are/were white, and, well that's about it.
So no, I don't see it.
A good deal taller than Cousy not near the ball handler,a better athlete,better shooter and much younger. Herro has better hair, I just can't make this post comical enough to do the opening post justice:flushed:
Anyone have any vert numbers on Herro?

When he dunks, the opponents will call Doctor Bombay...emergency..emergency...come right away..

He looks and moves just like Bob Sura

Very off topic but this thread is dumb like many of the OP's posts so I don't give shit but I saw Sura dunk on Bo Outlaw during an open run in Florida one night. Might be the best dunk I've ever seen. One hand off two feet, full extension, Bo tried to block it with two hands, going straight up, Sura went right btwn his arms, my God it was beautiful