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Why couldn't the scandal have happened to UL football? I hate them so much more. I don't wish well for UL bball but don't care for them to be good and the rivalry to be healthy. I want UL football burned to the ground, salted earth.
While I'm not gonna put on a pancho and sombrero, I'm totally onboard with "Mexican celebration" day. Chips and margs for this guy. I mean, it's basically a Hallmark holiday for Mexican restaurants. For the record, I hate the whole fake "mustache" thing.

Chad the years 35-40 are a critical period for maintaining your fitness. Let it go, and it will go. I speak from a position of knowledge.

When your lettuce is thin, gotta keep it trim. Imo

Golf this afternoon anyone?
I go to John at Chevy Chase barber shop, across from Josie's. Solid dude. Damon and Tasha are also good there. There's another new lady in there, but I haven't gone to her (and won't). Once you find a guy that knows your cut, hard to go elsewhere.

Of course, Roger behind Spare Time in Alexandria will never be topped. Chad knows what I'm talking about.
I use the flowbee.
I cut with my hair as the seasons change so this hair thinning stuff is traumatizing for me. There's a very good chance I'll end up looking like Big Ern one day.

Do y'all use the flowbee? How do you deal with all the hair when you buzz it?
Here's how the typical exercise routine works for dads...

:pray: :golf: :basketball:

Dad, can we hit off the tee or the machine tonight?





Dad, I'm hungry. Can we have hamburgers on the grill?


Marcus grab a few beers while I'm at it.


Can we make those cookies with that cookie dough we bought at school?


Can you tuck us in to bed?


Sit on couch to watch tv...


Flowbee confirmation. Yes. Look forward to it. Probably get wild and flowbee my dog just cause.

Chevy Chase is the barber capital of lex, tbh. Best hair artist in town is Ryan at Wildcutz. He handles UK athletes and students mostly, the Dad crowd comes on weekends. He'll open the doors early for you if you show up. Solid dude who pays attention to detail and really loves what he does.
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-Used to do the $10 barber shop until the started messing it up consistently. I overpay now, oh well. Thought about buzzing it during summer but I like my lettuce too much.

-45 minutes 3x's per week doesn't cut it for me. If I'm not doing something 5-6 times per week I'm slowly gaining weight. I've been hanging pretty firm other than December where I put on 6-7lbs in no time. What kills dads and husbands is the change in diet more than lack of exercise. You eat out more, you eat meals, you have food in your cabinets and fridge.When you're single you have some Gatorade, beer and a few really expired items. You might forget 3-4 meals a week. Right now, if the apocalypse hit we could live for 3 years on our pantry. I also drink more quantity, not binge as much but more nights per week for sure.

Running really is the best for a new dad though. 30 minutes, can do it any time of day, it's quick, don't have to drive anywhere.

-Buying a purse is easy. Grow up.
Chevy Chase is the barber capital of lex, tbh. Best hair artist in town is Ryan at Wildcutz. He handles UK athletes and students mostly, the Dad crowd comes on weekends. He'll open the doors early for you if you show up. Solid dude who pays attention to detail and really loves what he does.

Yeah, you people have a whole different thing going on with your hair trimming business. Just an FYI, this ain't really the crowd that gets cursive scratched into the back of their dome.
*If Trump somehow wins, I would find it hysterical if ground breaking on the wall was the 5th of May.

*I'm on team "can't offend me". These bleeding heart cracker-ass-crackers make me laugh with their fake outrage. Here's a hint, instead pretending everything pisses you off, go out and find a hobby other than being a gigantic pussy. It's worked for a couple hundred years.

*No clue on a Mother's Day gift. Nothing frustrates me more than trying to figure out what to buy the wife. This year I think I'll ask the kids and get exactly what they suggest. So far the list is flowers, Junior Mints, underwear, and Sheri's Berries (Heard on radio).
Classic line: Throw in a dildo in case she doesn't like the gifts.......she can go Fluck herself.
BBdK is probably running out of gas about now. The first morning in Europe is always easy. The afternoon is brutal.
Hopefully he made it, last I heard he was delayed in Chicago. They're typically pretty quick at getting international flights back on track.

Get in early, hope you can get your room and grab a quick nap. Then get out and jump on their time. That's the play. I haven't been able to sleep on the flight over.
-45 minutes 3x's per week doesn't cut it for me. If I'm not doing something 5-6 times per week I'm slowly gaining weight. I've been hanging pretty firm other than December where I put on 6-7lbs in no time. What kills dads and husbands is the change in diet more than lack of exercise. You eat out more, you eat meals, you have food in your cabinets and fridge.When you're single you have some Gatorade, beer and a few really expired items. You might forget 3-4 meals a week. Right now, if the apocalypse hit we could live for 3 years on our pantry. I also drink more quantity, not binge as much but more nights per week for sure.
Pretty much.

Personally, down about 12lbs since my peak, as Willy would call it, "before picture". I take 3 or 4 lunches per week and run, sometimes mix in light weights. I actually enjoy working out...but the diet, man, it's a never ending battle. Sounds simple, isn't simple, with three kids both parents full time jobs, sometimes it's just impossible to prep and fix any sort of meal much less a healthy one. That night cap drink or two to calm the nerves after the daily tornado of work, dinner, homework, wrestling 2 toddlers to bath/'s just gold, and hard to turn down. Now, it's an extremely rare occasion that I binge drink because who has time for a hangover when you have kids that don't know the difference between a weekend and week day? 5:30-6AM wakeup call for me or my wife airday of the week. Parenting is like golf, you tell yourself to just have fun with it, then you are breaking your wedge on 14, "I AM HAVING FUN, DAMMIT!"

On the flipside, my 10 year old likes golf and is pretty good, we are a couple years away from playing couples tournaments together and 2 1/2 has to be one of the funnier stages of childhood, the twins make me laugh daily with something new.
Biggest issue with diet and kids is I always end up eating their leftovers even when I'm full. So what if I just had a nice turkey sambo with baked chips. If there's a 1/2 chicken patty with Mac and cheese on one plate and the remnants of a hotdog on the other....well, I'm eating the shit out of both. Waste not want not and all....
weight is 75-85% about your diet IMO, and exercising or not has a minimal impact. last year I lost a bunch of weight counting calories & working out, after reaching my goal I eased up on my eating restrictions while working out even more intensely. gained back about 10 lbs Thanksgiving-January. havent lost any lately, and I'm fine with that from knowing the causes and the effects.
My people are not even allowed in Chevy Chase. Remember when they ran off that "urban" club? Residents said there were wild gun fights in the streets and they didn't feel safe...I think that actually kind of happened. I guess Montclair is the new Chevy Chase? Idk.
My people are not even allowed in Chevy Chase. Remember when they ran off that "urban" club? Residents said there were wild gun fights in the streets and they didn't feel safe...I think that actually kind of happened. I guess Montclair is the new Chevy Chase? Idk.
Whoa, we welcome diversity. This is not the City of Wellington we're talking about.
$12 haircut, $4 tip. Give the lady $21 and get a $5 back. Stylist need their one's so I always make sure I have $21 in cash on me. (old school cash only place)

Wife wants a fit bit for Mothers Day. What is the best for the $$ out there ??? Honest answers only, it is for the wife. How much can I expect to spend ?
I want some specific just-for-GYERO Derby picks. Come on- let's hear them. I want win/place/shows, exactas, tris, etc. Put your junk on the table.
$12 haircut, $4 tip. Give the lady $21 and get a $5 back. Stylist need their one's so I always make sure I have $21 in cash on me. (old school cash only place)

Wife wants a fit bit for Mothers Day. What is the best for the $$ out there ??? Honest answers only, it is for the wife. How much can I expect to spend ?

Hopefully, she gets you one too. They run $100-200 or in GYERO dollars $400-800.
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Serious question - if one of the younger GYERO bball players (let's say under 30) attempted a Juwanna Mann and tried to walk on to the UK Hoops team as a fake gal, would they make it?
Biggest issue with diet and kids is I always end up eating their leftovers even when I'm full. So what if I just had a nice turkey sambo with baked chips. If there's a 1/2 chicken patty with Mac and cheese on one plate and the remnants of a hotdog on the other....well, I'm eating the shit out of both. Waste not want not and all....
Truer words have never been spoken. My little girl takes one bite off of everything on her plate. Sometimes she finishes the bite but most of the time everything on the plate that was there at the beginning is there at the end minus half.
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Serious question - if one of the younger GYERO bball players (let's say under 30) attempted a Juwanna Mann and tried to walk on to the UK Hoops team as a fake gal, would they make it?
I played against one of our better girl players at the JC few years ago. I forgot her name and didn't really give too much of a shit at the time but she was drafted #12 first round.

The only thing I noticed different between her and every other girl I've ever played against is she rebounded and defended harder. When it came down to it she was still a girl and got dominated.

Edit: Jared Carter was there that day too. His team lost and nobody picked him up. The dark days.
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