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Had lunch with my old boss today, then spent a couple of hours wandering around the office catching up with old friends.

Jrowland's latest football recruiting updates made my sticker peck out.

Perfect day outside, wish I could bottle this up for August or February.

Starting to get pretty excited for bball, but still all in on football. Tough to split up my attention, but what a great feeling.

Gruden is a moron, cancel culture sucks, and Biden is a pussy. All can be correct without exemption from the other.

Quick trip to Jamestown tomorrow to work up a punch list for a buddy. All my friends keep getting spots there.

I'm cautiously optimistic about Saturday, while realizing the chances are very slim.

Heading to Green River Lake this weekend with the dad and the son, can't wait.
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I'm surprised he didn't want to go play for Crean in Georgia

But a 3 star recruit going to the G League lol. Wonder if he has an earned not given tattoo.
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Well, I’m canceled as well by a female friend of mine in Florida apparently. She DM’d me after seeing my pics from the game last weekend and I’m standing up for the patriarchy and misogyny which college football and most non-female sports represents. Here I thought I just wanted my alma mater to win a sporting event in which I paid to attend. Had NO idea I was actually a racist POS. Life comes at you fast gang.
The Braves just got doubled up on an easy pop fly to the LF. Like the dudes on 1st and 2nd - both of them - just took off. It would have been a triple play had their been no outs. My 9 year-old's team doesn't even do crap like that.
- So it sounds like people are actually betting on UGA at 23.5! I saw several places open or get to 22 and it’s all over at 23.5 now.


- Woodford County Planning and zoning tomorrow for step one::eek::

- Also delivering the ram ho to dig my hole for the pool. That permit is a joke!

- After the past 2 years I just give 0 fks about basketball period. It’s exhausting and does not provide the excitement it once did for me. I know this feeling will be all but forgotten in about a month, but for now football is a breathe of exciting fresh air.

- 10 yr olds first guitar lesson in 8 minutes and 11 yr olds archery tryouts at 7. Stokes for them to want something besides jock sports.

We had to get a sports physical for archery though and that was weird.

- Tasted a Good Times Cigar Blend today. Actually impressed at what those guys have done.

- I’ve thought a ton about this, but if you are a rap fan how is Jay-Z not the #1 guy? He has to be.

- Starting back exercising and my shortness of breathe is alarming. Really alarming.

- Bernie anytime you want to grab lunch, or have a notion to get out to Mt washington for a game I’m around. I’ll make some grub and we can pop open any bottles in the collection.
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- How’s there been so little sportsfan talk here about who’s better between these Cats and 2018? Seems like a natural comparison headed into Saturday.

This team has so much more upside with Levis and Robinson but I suppose Saturday will tell the tale.

- I need a pour tonight- work’s been crazy and our teething toddler has woken us up multiple times the past two nights. I am exhausted.

- Between the insanity Saturday and the Bengals game on Sunday, football showed why it’s the best sport going by far. I mean college basketball is my favorite but it just doesn’t compare to college football. It delivers every single week and occasionally you get Saturdays like that which are incredible.

- Cool how its 80s into mid October now annually.

- Big weekend, man. Bigass weekend.
I’m a Tupac Stan myself, but Jay-Z’s catalogue is just deep and the more I hear or get into a rabbit hole of his I still find stuff I legit never heard.

Everyone has their preference sure, but it’s extremely hard to discredit his and not look at him as THE guy in rap, IMHO.
This verse, I mean it’s fire! Never heard it, but I heard Dre’s on Chronic 2001.

Believing UK will beat the Dawgs is more likely than believing Matt Jones first political donations of his life were to Charles Booker, of all candidates. I would have at least expected a benjamin to Amy McMaverick.

If Gruden were a habitual druggie or beat women, he would still be in the league, no questions asked.
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