- Cal stays until he can coach Juanny Wagner's kid. By then, one of the higher-profile NBA jobs will be open again, and he bolts.
- WVU/Texas Tech was a fun one last night. Can't decide if Mac McClung would make us want to punch the wall if he was our PG, or if we'd love the kid, but he's definitely got moxy. Takes bad shots occasionally, but he's got the it factor. Was surprisingly impressed with Beard's offense last night. Tons of drive-and-kick, way more free-flowing than he's usually given credit for. Their shots didn't fall, but it wasn't for lack of good looks. Bottom line, they just couldn't handle Culver down the stretch. Few teams can.
- Jones mentioned yesterday that Beard would be the top candidate as of now, and while Holtmann might be the natural fit, you can't really go wrong with Beard. He's recruiting at a high level, keeping kids around who need to stick around, working the grad transfer angle beautifully, and winning games in a tough league. I also think he would connect well with Kentucky fans. He's intense, but not in a psychopathic Billy G. kind of way.
- I'm reading Cawood's autobiography now. Gotta get SOMETHING good out of this Kentucky basketball season.
- As frozen lunches go, the ones from Frontera Grill are pretty solid. Rick Bayless knows what he's doing.