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Anybody else crack up every time they show the Anti-Trump, sexism ad? I love that thing.

People have asked me - will the wall keep out tacos? No, tacos will be allowed through the wall. These are stupid people who ask this question. Tacos don't eat welfare, losers.
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We will let this guy stay.
Do they still send horses to the glue factory? Is that why glue is so delicious?

Im sure in some jurisdictions, their end result is even worse. But, when it came out that Ferdinand had been sold to the killers, it promoted a lot of the equine rescue farms in place today, and most notably Old Friends just outside town. Mr Blowen is a good man, and does a great job with the horses in his care. Be a good little spot to take the fam on a tour which they always have. It's a pretty special place out there.
Every time I see Anth's avatar, I think of Frank Zappa or some weirdo twirling around like Julie Andrews in a drunk version of The Sound of Music. I don't see a guy lying passed out on the ground. I have bad spatial intelligence.
When I'm President, I will build a wall around Chase to isolate his loser genes from society. There's gonna be a lot of walls, folks.
While I agree with my opponent's theory in principle, the fiscally responsible thing to do would to build one wall around yourself. UCL wants to waste your money. BAD!
Hope Bbdk makes it out of London safely after they just elected a Mooooslim mayor. Gonna implement sharia law immediately IMO.
Civil War was good. A little darker than most Marvel movies, which is keeping it in tone with The Winter Soldier. My favorite Stan Lee cameo so far. Had a lot of what BvS was missing because you really know these characters and they have a long history together so it meant a lot more when they were beating the hell out of each other than when two guys who just met beat the shit out of each other in BvS.
I thought we had a deal

This is a horse race, not the Olympics.

-What I get for going off my memory. It's a possible "saver" option, but on paper, should be respected..Mott/Alvarado, 2nd off the layoff, 2nd time on turf, works look sharp...still a candidate for a possible "bounce" off her last, but just putting it out there.
Lol do you remember when they were all in the news and they made crush proof pills, or whatever, to appease the people crying, then months later released the most powerful, non tamper proof oxy thy ever made? That's just called great business, tbh.
Although it's a lucrative area of my specialty with good hours, I want no part of pain medicine because of drugs like that. It's essentially addiction management. Unless they're being taken for a short term injury or post surgery where the amount of pain is going to decrease, or in someone who is terminally ill (meaning it's ok to escalate dosing and make them zombies who may stop breathing and die... It's the closest thing to euthanasia allowed in the US) they don't ever work long term. The patients who want these pills invariably say they "need" them and often get furious if you suggest anything else, including the only thing that have ever been proven to work... Exercise, physical therapy, getting off your ass and putting in some work essentially. "I tried that ish and it didn't work for me, doc." Every time. If you give in, your license is on the line if they screw up their dosing or abuse it. It's infuriating and makes you hate society. Enjoy your chronic pain month c_b (although from the looks of it, seems to be an extended vacation).

Speaking of hating society, two groups of people up here last night decided to have a shootout in the streets... Didn't hit a single person they were aiming for, but a bullet went through a bedroom wall and hit a 9 year old girl in her head. Not going to survive. Another family was traveling home from vacation, kids in the backseat, and a guy in another car pulled up alongside them unprovoked and shot the mom in the throat, killing her. The crime up here is unreal. For the most part, segregated to a specific part of the city that outsiders don't go to, but damn. Slight somebody and instead of talking it out, they grab a gun.
Might as well get the first listen of this out of the way because you're probably going to hear it a thousand times over the course of the Summer.

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