Game times this weekend - LATE STARTS

This was sort of anticipated with a West Coast Team.

But if you put it at Noon and make it ESPN+ only ... people would have complained about that too. Everyone this coming weekend is on Linear TV, so you have to spread them out.
9pm start is eastern time zone is ridiculous! TOTALLY banking on no weather delay. Host school should be able to demand no start later than that. ANY delay means a 3 or 4pm game Monday. Otherwise, catering to the lower seeded team.
Host school can demand nothing. TV tells NCAA when games will be played & NCAA takes the money. TV is catering to West Coast audience - both people.
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Host school can demand nothing. TV tells NCAA when games will be played & NCAA takes the money. TV is catering to West Coast audience - both people.

Yep. May need to pull an "LSU" from last year, and manufacture a weather delay to get a desired start time (day).
Basketball plays at 9 a lot. Maybe not Sunday but definitely during the week.

It puts UK in prime time both days.
All the Sat-Sun-Mon SR's are in the CWS "Bracket 2", That means they'll start the CWS a day later than the Bracket 1 SR winners that play Fri-Sat-Sun..
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If we can put 23,000 inside Rupp on a Tuesday night on a school\work night, I'm sure getting 6,000 at KPP won't be too big of a deal.

9pm on Saturday night and 6pm Sunday would have kind of worked out better, but money talks.
All the Sat-Sun-Mon SR's are in the CWS "Bracket 2", That means they'll start the CWS a day later than the Bracket 1 SR winners that play Fri-Sat-Sun..
Good catch, I hadn't thought of this, but it makes sense. Good info for those of us planning to go to Omaha !
If we can put 23,000 inside Rupp on a Tuesday night on a school\work night, I'm sure getting 6,000 at KPP won't be too big of a deal.

9pm on Saturday night and 6pm Sunday would have kind of worked out better, but money talks.
Well said. Just show up and be loud. This is the first time it's ever happened at Kentucky. Enjoy it, whatever time that may be.
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If anyone has extra tickets for Saturday or Sunday in the reserved area, lmk.
Resale options at the moment are unreal.

Only College Station is farther west than Lexington location this weekend.
They're playing Oregon, they should get late game.
But also, if you told me all electricity in that city turned off at 8, I'd believe you.