Former UNC AD defends his position


Sep 17, 2003
Baddour is simply one of the leaders of the university that simply 'didn't know' about made up classes, that started under current ACC commish John Swofford.

You think Swofford is going to do anything about the sham that started while he was AD? You bet your arse he's not making a peep.

Baddour was defending himself through a through in this article about exceeding pension salary limits after he decided to retire right after he fired Butch Davis.....coincidence?

"Baddour said he earned the bonuses that boosted his pension.
"I believe the bonuses that I was paid, they were earned," Baddour said. "They were earned on the field and they were earned ... in the classrooms. And I believe that the administration was helpful to the success of students, certainly through student support, through the academic support program, through the Carolina Leadership Academy and the student-athlete development programs that we have."

Read more here:"

Pay for academic performance
Nothing those people say or do, and no news that comes out of that snake pit, surprises me. UNC*** is the poster child for corruption in college athletics.
The Wainstein report said that Roy talked to Baddour about McCants taking 4 AFAM classes in the Spring semester of 05. Baddour assured Roy there were enough regular students enrolled to cover for McCants.

The scam was common knowledge to many people at unc, from the top to the bottom. Book money will bring out the whole truth in the near future.
I'm glad to see the big fish are under scrutiny, despite UNC sacrificing a bunch of nobodies who only followed orders.
Originally posted by ymmot31:

The Wainstein report said that Roy talked to Baddour about McCants taking 4 AFAM classes in the Spring semester of 05. Baddour assured Roy there were enough regular students enrolled to cover for McCants.

The scam was common knowledge to many people at unc, from the top to the bottom. Book money will bring out the whole truth in the near future.
The Baddour to Roy discussion about AFAM classes tells everyone that Roy knew EXACTLY what AFAM classes did for his athlete-students, not student-athletes.

This should be tagged under Roy as more ignorance:

"Willingham said that athletics staff was supposed to do weekly checks on what classes their athletes were taking, so there was no way for them not to know what was going on."

This post was edited on 1/5 12:08 PM by KMKAT

Willingham exposes the coaching staffs
Everyone who has been anything at UNC in the past 20 years is busy defending themselves,the university,or both while the NCAA continues to do the best Sgt Shultz since John Banner.

ESPN uses the death of Stuart Scott to paint Roy Williams and UNC in a positive light.It is way passed time to address this scandal and deal with it for what it is,a course of action by a university that rivals an organized crime syndicate in scope and depth of illegal activity
Perhaps the citizens of NC need to sue to get some of Baddour's academic bonuses returned?

And Roy's, and Butch's, Gut's, Doh's, Dean's, etc.
Originally posted by docholiday51:

Everyone who has been anything at UNC in the past 20 years is busy defending themselves,the university,or both while the NCAA continues to do the best Sgt Shultz since John Banner.

ESPN uses the death of Stuart Scott to paint Roy Williams and UNC in a positive light.It is way passed time to address this scandal and deal with it for what it is,a course of action by a university that rivals an organized crime syndicate in scope and depth of illegal activity
You have just hit the nail on the head with how ESPN has tried to paint good ol' UNCheat in a positive light after the death of Stuart Scott. It's both sickening and wrong for them to use the death of a fine man to help bolster UNCheat's reputation, but that is EXACTLY what they have been doing for past two days. It's freaking amazing the lack of shame these jokers have.

Anyone who thinks that both ESPN and the NCAA are not in UNCheat's back pocket needs to check themselves into Shutter Island.

This post was edited on 1/5 2:08 PM by BluegrassBaron
Originally posted by BluegrassBaron:

Originally posted by docholiday51:

Everyone who has been anything at UNC in the past 20 years is busy defending themselves,the university,or both while the NCAA continues to do the best Sgt Shultz since John Banner.

ESPN uses the death of Stuart Scott to paint Roy Williams and UNC in a positive light.It is way passed time to address this scandal and deal with it for what it is,a course of action by a university that rivals an organized crime syndicate in scope and depth of illegal activity
You have just hit the nail on the head with how ESPN has tried to paint good ol' UNCheat in a positive light after the death of Stuart Scott. It's both sickening and wrong for them to use the death of a fine man to help bolster UNCheat's reputation, but that is EXACTLY what they have been doing for past two days. It's freaking amazing the lack of shame these jokers have.

Anyone who thinks that both ESPN and the NCAA are not in UNCheat's back pocket needs to check themselves into Shutter Island.

This post was edited on 1/5 2:08 PM by BluegrassBaron
Just when you think you can't lose any more respect for ESPN and how they are treating the UNC situation they take it to a new low point.People at ESPN should be ashamed of themselves.
I have to admit that this scandal has finally gotten to the point that I am simply tired of it and wish that SOMETHING would happen. All we seem to get any more is another lie, another denial, another "I know nothing."

But, on the other hand, if I feel this way, imagine how the average somewhat informed UNC*** fan feels? He or she must have lost a LOT of sleep.
Originally posted by preacherfan:

I have to admit that this scandal has finally gotten to the point that I am simply tired of it and wish that SOMETHING would happen. All we seem to get any more is another lie, another denial, another "I know nothing."

But, on the other hand, if I feel this way, imagine how the average somewhat informed UNC*** fan feels? He or she must have lost a LOT of sleep.
Sometimes it's best to put sheep to sleep when they are in such pain. And afterward, have a fake funeral with fake mourners, with a fake headstone, in a fake cemetery, with a fake preacher, with a fake 1964 Cadillac hearse, and with a fake wake to top it all off.

This post was edited on 1/5 2:38 PM by BluegrassBaron
And another thing , this is more evidence reinforcing the suspicion that the people being let go have a golden parachute attached to their backs . Bonuses for classroom performance ? Monopoly money ?
I understand not letting go of this story. It is one of the worst scandals. But, the NCAA isn't going to make anyone here happy.
Originally posted by uk78:
I understand not letting go of this story. It is one of the worst scandals. But, the NCAA isn't going to make anyone here happy.
Happy? How about simple justice? That's all any of us ask.
Originally posted by uk78:
I understand not letting go of this story. It is one of the worst scandals. But, the NCAA isn't going to make anyone here happy.
First, NOBODY knows for sure what the NCAA will do. I was banned from the PSU board for saying that the NCAA had the power to put PSU on probation and it could happen. The mods over there felt that I was flaming. However, it turned out that I was right.

Second, we at least know for sure that the NCAA is one the hotseat. It is going to be hard for them to do nothing.
Originally posted by uk78:
I understand not letting go of this story. It is one of the worst scandals. But, the NCAA isn't going to make anyone here happy.
All the truth that can come out needs to come out,as long as somebody is talking about the mess at UNC the chances are greater that action will be taken.
Originally posted by preacherfan:

I have to admit that this scandal has finally gotten to the point that I am simply tired of it and wish that SOMETHING would happen. All we seem to get any more is another lie, another denial, another "I know nothing."

But, on the other hand, if I feel this way, imagine how the average somewhat informed UNC*** fan feels? He or she must have lost a LOT of sleep.
If I were a UNC fan I'd be sleeping soundly at this point, safe in the knowledge that nothing significant is ever going to come from this.
Originally posted by preacherfan:

I have to admit that this scandal has finally gotten to the point that I am simply tired of it and wish that SOMETHING would happen. All we seem to get any more is another lie, another denial, another "I know nothing."
NOT ME!! I'm absolutely loving it! The Heel fans are the 21st Century version of this Cliffs Note version of Poe's "Raven"...

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?"

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
Surely," said I, "surely that is something at my window lattice:
Let me see, then, what threat is, and this mystery explore -

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore;
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door -

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore.
Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, "Thou," I said, "art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the Nightly shore -
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"

Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
This is it right here. Nothing is going to happen to UNC for their egregious contact.
Not only have they defrauded these student-athletes of an education, they have basically stolen millions, if not billions of dollars from the taxpayers of the United States of America and the state of North Carolina.
What's the difference in what UNC has done and what Bernard Madoff did? Madoff went to jail for what he did...
Originally posted by KMKAT:

"I believe the bonuses that I was paid, they were earned," Baddour said. "They were earned on the field and they were earned ... in the classrooms.

Read more here:"
Whaaaaaaaaa ? You have GOT to be kidding. 18 years of fake classes? And Baddour has got the NERVE to say ANYTHING like this? Them some BIG Cajones.

The only thing earned in the classroom when you have the biggest athletic and academic scandal in the history of history like this is a big middle finger and a death penalty for the offending university.

Naturally, that won't happen though. NCAA = "Narcoleptic Corrupt Asswipe Association." All day, everyday.

As for how ESPN is trying to redeem UNC*** with the death of SS, truly repugnant. It's why I never watch ESPN outside of a live sporting event I have no other choice but to be forced to watch it thru. ESPN has even got me (for the past year) to even mute the event and sync up radio broadcasts for UK. ESPN is a bottom feeder for me when it comes to anything remotely sports related, and the opinion they share - what little I catch of it before I flip channels to get away from it during other sporting events, are pure garbage.

That network has really made me actively avoid encountering it in all facets whenever possible.
Madoff , Enron , Tyco . UNC is the college equivalent , a defrauder of people , money and opponents .
UNC had it going on for 20 years and the high ranking academic types said they didn't know. That's funny.

The high end takes the low end.

Usually, low ranking personnel will use "I didn't know" with success and doubt.

If you believe the high ends saying "I am Stupid", guess What!

This post was edited on 1/5 7:31 PM by UKvisitor