I always think it's a good measure, just to keep ESPN and their politics in check, to see how this list compares with a mock draft for next summer. According to draftexpress dot com, here is how UK's players rate.
#1 Skal Labissiere
#6 Jamal Murray
#18 Isaiah Briscoe
#29 Marcus Lee
#58 Alex Poythress
Now, Draft Express doesn't have Ulis listed because of his stature, but we know better. NBA execs aren't all interested in Tyler, but someone who is smart enough will be. This is the one ESPN has right. Whether his game translates to the NBA or not, Ulis is an excellent college point guard, and he may be the best pg in the nation right now. So, if we leave Ulis where ESPN has him, the list looks like this...
#1 Skal Labissiere
#5 Tyler Ulis
#6 Jamal Murray
#18 Isaiah Briscoe
#29 Marcus Lee
#58 Alex Poythress
I would also hasten to add that several of these guys have the potential to move up, especially Poythress, who is lower in the ratings right now based on coming back from injury. Also, I think Murray could easily move into the top 2 or 3 picks in June's draft by season's end. I'm sure his near triple double turned some heads last night, and I have no doubt that he will lead this team in scoring this season. If he plays like he can, Skal develops, and Poythress has a successful comeback, UK will be scary good by season's end.