east palestine chemical explosion

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Gayor Pete. Good one, lol.

You don't joke about identity politics with leftists. To them, it's as sacred as religion and a powerfully impenetrable shield against all criticism.

But I don't play by these dumbass made up rules. If your entire qualification and competency is about being gay, or some other declared untouchable identity, you deserve ridicule for it. A lot. And you can shove your righteous indignation right up your holier than thou ass if you don't like it.
because in a thread about one of the biggest environmental disasters in decades the big takeaway you had from the thread is "gayorpete"... I am still poking fun at you thinking you're moderate. He is the worst trans secretary in my life... I can't even name another one because nobody else has been close to as incompetent. It's the easiest dunk ever and you still can't do it. Team player. lol.

Crazy to think Buttigieg is also one of the leading candidates for the Dems if they decide not to roll Biden out there again.
I haven't smelt anything or noticed it myself, but both my wife and I have sort of had scratchy throats the last few days, kind of like when you just get done cleaning your bathroom and you have a bit of that chemically burn in your airways.

But who knows.. it's cold up here and it's not uncommon to have cold like symptoms all winter.
LMAO get it guys? WTF Cat said Gayor Pete because he's a former mayor and a homosexual...Gayor Pete!

There's that creative Political Thread humor most here don't get to see often.
Oh, goodie, you two again lol. Are you guys related? Whenever I don't get as angry as you two or I call out the homophobes here, there's you guys to the rescue to quote post me as if I did something incorrectly. Why did my response to WTF Cat's Gayor Pete bs warrant three paragraphs from you two? It's better served for this site if we call that shit out on a consistent basis. We can have an adult conversation with disagreements without the Gayor Pete stuff or the racist shots taken at LeBron and Bronny on Rafters, or the all trans people are mental and pedos nonsense on the Paddock weekly. That's all I was doing with my post. Maybe take the lead occasionally and call out posts like WTF Cat's instead of ignoring them most of the time. And let's be honest, Gayor Pete is not funny because it's also lame. We should be above lame, homophobic shit like that. Years ago in the political thread, someone posted that Michelle Obama looked like a gorilla. Awful shit, and it was called out and that person shamed. Now? That same post would get a few likes and some laughing emoji's from the usuals here. My guess is I'd call it out and you two would post that I need to be more angry over something else.

For hmt who can't seem to quit me: I did say this entire thing is a bad look for Pete, but it ain't all on him. The right found their scapegoat and then gay jokes on social media ensued. I'm shocked. Gay jokes, trans jokes, pedo jokes, gay lover Pelosi jokes and laughing at him beaten with a hammer? I'll stick with Lebowski and Spinal Tap if that's the right's version of humor now.

For Ron: I skimmed your post and saw something about racists and cakes being baked. Why direct that culture war nonsense at me? Don't care and has nothing to do with what happened, just like the transportation guy being gay has nothing to do with the situation.

It makes more sense for all of us to call out the homophobic shit posted here constantly, yet only a couple of us do and when that happens, I log back in to see several messages directed at me as if I need some sort of direction in my life. Now kindly leave me alone occasionally. When I call out the constant homophobic shit I see, I don't need you two waving your little patriot fingers at me as if I'm wrong to do so. Gayor Pete! LMAOLMAO so so funny...
I cannot read all of this. I suspect it is a redundant mess. While I get the point made in the first paragraph of four, I must push back on one thing “Gayor Pete” is funny. The play on mayor and gayer is clever. Liberals love to make a huge deal when they associate with gay, trans, etc. people, but heaven forbid if their focus on someone’s sexuality as a definer is used by people humorously. If we did not make a huge presentation out of sexuality, these types of jokes would probably be less. But, even if it offends or was so intended, it is funny.
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Not for sure how this is a mass casualties if the news has said 14 injured. Mass Casualties would mean lots of dead bodies to recover.
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Not for sure how this is a mass casualties if the news has said 14 injured. Mass Casualties would mean lots of dead bodies to recover.

A mass casualty doesn’t have to mean death, it means multiple casualties.

Casualty: a person killed or injured in a war or accident.
It’s plain for all to see, America is under attack!

The only question is by whom?

I am sure glad our border has been closed & secured as well, it stops those from wanting to get in & cause harm & chaos to America!
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Don't worry. We've got top leftist identities in charge. Our enemies wouldn't dare disrespect us by breaking the powerful rules of identity politics and the sacred scrolls of DEI.

If necessary, we can trot out a few more tranny generals in extra makeup, high heels, and mini-skirts to show them we mean business. Pete can zoom in wearing his Mr Milker breastfeeding device to show his power and sophistication.
Thank you for your tired and repeated talking points, Ida. Means a lot to the thread. I'm sure we needed more of one of you making fun of transgendered people for the millionth time on the Paddock. Just surprised you failed to mention pedophiles this afternoon but there's always this evening.
Thank you for your tired and repeated talking points, Ida. Means a lot to the thread. I'm sure we needed more of one of you making fun of transgendered people for the millionth time on the Paddock. Just surprised you failed to mention pedophiles this afternoon but there's always this evening.

Ever heard of the Diamond in the Sky 💎
Nothing would surprise me with all these happenings. This current Admin would love nothing more create complete govt dependency by eliminating these facilities and causing these derailments.

I do not believe one single word thsy say about anything. Biden is pure trash as id his whole Admin and family.
Nothing would surprise me with all these happenings. This current Admin would love nothing more create complete govt dependency by eliminating these facilities and causing these derailments.

I do not believe one single word thsy say about anything. Biden is pure trash as id his whole Admin and family.

They lie straight to our face everyday.

Economy is good, inflation is low, Gas is low, Border is closed & secure, They love America & put America first.

They Lie everyday!
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