Duke's Recruiting Dominance Per ESPN...

Is @RamHard a Duke fan, posing as a UNC fan, on a UK message board?

He spends an awful lot of time pimping Duke.
Where are you from? Curious.

S&C Your response was inside the quote of my post so I couldn't properly quote your post to respond. Where am I from? is this the first in a series of pointless internet litmus test questions to determine whether or not I have properly earned my fan card? Winston-Salem, North Carolina if you must know.

I always ask Duke fans this, especially in person. Most Duke fans I've encountered have zero to do with the school, parents arent Duke fans themselves, and haven't even been inside the state. Then I turn on the tv and about half the Cameron crazies seem more genetically linked to Bruce Lee than to anything North Carolina related.

I connect the dots.

Hot flavor band wagon / exchange school.

Reasons like this are why I personally don't think Duke will be "great" to the extent of UNC UK KU etc moving foward. It's all just a coach.

We'll see.
He also votes the worst of the worst in all of our fan polls. He should not be allowed to post here.

Grow up man, just have a opinion that's all. I try to be honest just because I don't like a team don't mean you cant be honest about them.
I always ask Duke fans this, especially in person. Most Duke fans I've encountered have zero to do with the school, parents arent Duke fans themselves, and haven't even been inside the state. Then I turn on the tv and about half the Cameron crazies seem more genetically linked to Bruce Lee than to anything North Carolina related.

I connect the dots.

Hot flavor band wagon / exchange school.

Reasons like this are why I personally don't think Duke will be "great" to the extent of UNC UK KU etc moving foward. It's all just a coach.

We'll see.

Beautiful post, .S&C. Like a bearded prophet speaking eternal truths from the middle of a city.
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Grow up man, just have a opinion that's all. I try to be honest just because I don't like a team don't mean you cant be honest about them.

Honest, or delusional? There's no way in hell Thornton returns to Duke just so he can hold Jackson's jock from the bench. He'll bolt at the initial sign of first round daylight. Watch and see.

The Dukies apparently still don't know how this OAD thing works.
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I hate it but you are right, hopefully someone beats them. I live in Greensboro everyone now is on the Duke bandwagon, some of my Carolina friends now like Duke.

Are you sure you haven't joined their defection? You write in defense of Duke basketball with the same fervor of C.S. Lewis writing in defense of Christianity.
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Honest, or delusional? There's no way in hell Thornton returns to Duke just so he can hold Jackson's jock from the bench. He'll bolt at the initial sign of first round daylight. Watch and see.

The Dukies apparently still don't know how this OAD thing works.

After reading your post, sounds like you are praying that Thornton leaves lol. Don't understand why you get so upset about Duke talk. All I know is my Heels are number 1 in the country, we have a great chance in bringing the ACC another championship.
Grow up man, just have a opinion that's all. I try to be honest just because I don't like a team don't mean you cant be honest about them.

Grow up? You vote in Kentucky polls, making the worst possible picks when the question isnt even asking for your opinion cheater.

I always ask Duke fans this, especially in person. Most Duke fans I've encountered have zero to do with the school, parents arent Duke fans themselves, and haven't even been inside the state. Then I turn on the tv and about half the Cameron crazies seem more genetically linked to Bruce Lee than to anything North Carolina related.

I connect the dots.

Hot flavor band wagon / exchange school.

Reasons like this are why I personally don't think Duke will be "great" to the extent of UNC UK KU etc moving foward. It's all just a coach.

We'll see.

Well congratulations on being in such a lofty place as a fan that you have the moral high ground to qualify other people's fandom (Hopefully all the BBN members here fully meet your criteria.) also, very nice on the Bruce Lee comment.

And please stay in the HERE and NOW if you don't mind not what you're wishing for down the road.
Well congratulations on being in such a lofty place as a fan that you have the moral high ground to qualify other people's fandom (Hopefully all the BBN members here fully meet your criteria.) also, very nice on the Bruce Lee comment.

And please stay in the HERE and NOW if you don't mind not what you're wishing for down the road.

Don't tell me how to talk on a UK message board.

The Bruce Lee comment is dead on. Deal with it.
After reading your post, sounds like you are praying that Thornton leaves lol. Don't understand why you get so upset about Duke talk. All I know is my Heels are number 1 in the country, we have a great chance in bringing the ACC another championship.

Until your cheating and corruption catch up. I can't wait till they nail UNC and their cheating asses. I wonder if your players went to classes this semester?

UNC isn't even the best team, so enjoy that fraud while it last.
Don't tell me how to talk on a UK message board.

The Bruce Lee comment is dead on. Deal with it.

You deal with it, there's nothing for me to deal with as I don't care who is in the crowd. For all you know I may be a member of Bruce Lee's family. (dark skin tone in crowds bother you as well?)

I'm done with this nonsense.
You deal with it, there's nothing for me to deal with as I don't care who is in the crowd. For all you know I may be a member of Bruce Lee's family. (dark skin tone in crowds bother you as well?)

I'm done with this nonsense.

See, it obviously does bother you. Now I hate blacks. Lol.

If you're a real fan of Duke I would assume you are in fact anything but American because I can't find one anywhere in your stands, minus the ugly ass soccer moms. Also this is rich considering lots of people like Duke becuSe of the "white boy" effect. I hear it constantly.

Deal. With. It.
Coach walks into a gym with ten basketball players. 9 black one white.
Coach walks out recruiting one of them
White player gets recruited.

Duke basketball pre-OAD.
Until your cheating and corruption catch up. I can't wait till they nail UNC and their cheating asses. I wonder if your players went to classes this semester?

UNC isn't even the best team, so enjoy that fraud while it last.

It goes on at every school. you really think all the players are doing there work, come on get real. You better worry about the Duke game son.
"I always ask Duke fans this, especially in person. Most Duke fans I've encountered have zero to do with the school, parents arent Duke fans themselves, and haven't even been inside the state. Then I turn on the tv and about half the Cameron crazies seem more genetically linked to Bruce Lee than to anything North Carolina related.

I connect the dots.

Hot flavor band wagon / exchange school.

Reasons like this are why I personally don't think Duke will be "great" to the extent of UNC UK KU etc moving foward. It's all just a coach.

We'll see

@.S&C. - Greetings from a very proud Duke alumnus. Class of 2006. And despite your beliefs about Duke alumni/fans in general, I'm 100% American, born and raised in the South. Honestly curious: how many Duke alumni/fans have you actually met, much less spoken to outside of these messageboards? Judging by your rants, I would say somewhere between none and very few. Also, what exactly is your connection to the University of Kentucky?

I've been fortunate enough to post on this board and interact with many UK fans across several boards. With that in mind, you should know that your misguided rants directed at the nationality/ethnicity of Duke students and fans are completely off base. Not to mention, you help perpetuate a similarly ignorant narrative that many non-UK fans seem to believe: that UK fans are uneducated and ignorant. I know that isn't the case, but someone who hasn't engaged numerous well-meaning, sincere, and knowledgeable UK fans may very well believe that mischaracterization after reading posts by you denigrating certain races/ethnicities/nationalities. You do your great fanbase a complete disservice by peddling in such gross and inaccurate generalizations.
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