Does the “All-Time Wins” Record Matter To You?

Tell that to the guys that played on those teams. Bet they would disagree. But a normal comment from a cal lover
I’m not a Cal lover. I just don’t constantly live in the past all the time. What’s done is done.
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Kentucky was the first program to hit 1000 wins (barely) and was the first program to hit 2000 wins (again barely). It would be nice if they were in the lead at 2500 wins and 3000 win milestones.

But the overall lead is a record that will always be in contention. If Kentucky loses it, they can always win it back.
Not as long as Cal is here.
KU won’t pass UK in all time wins.
Kentucky was the first program to hit 1000 wins (barely) and was the first program to hit 2000 wins (again barely). It would be nice if they were in the lead at 2500 wins and 3000 win milestones.

But the overall lead is a record that will always be in contention. If Kentucky loses it, they can always win it back.
Can being the key word. Not necessarily will.
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It matters, it’s good to be first in anything and always helped solidify the fact that Kentucky is the greatest college basketball program. Kansas has played more seasons and lost more games than Kentucky. Kentucky still has more titles and a better winning percentage than Kansas. Some seem to say it doesn’t matter but it does, they seem to take it for granted. It’s a pride thing and that’s one of the few things we had that we don’t have now.
Yes it matters, it is part of what makes Kentucky basketball what it is .Kentucky basketball is bigger than OAD ,Calipari, players first or the NBA draft. If you don't understand or buy into that then then you are a fan of something other than UK basketball
Yes it matters, it is part of what makes Kentucky basketball what it is .Kentucky basketball is bigger than OAD ,Calipari, players first or the NBA draft. If you don't understand or buy into that then then you are a fan of something other than UK basketball I'm wondering why any other coach lost games here. Shouldn't we be mad at them for not pushing the lead out?

Also, it's tragic this is the last season in college basketball history and UK will never be able to win more games.

I get arent allowed to say anything or that makes you a cal lover somehow.
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Just another indicator that Kentucky Basketball just ain't what it used to be. We have slipped the last dozen years under the $9 million dollar per year man. To me that's unacceptable but, our glorious AD felt the need to lavish a lifetime contract on him so, we are now truly fvcked.
I guess you could say...YES, it does matter. Or, at least it did.
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I’ve seen several posters here downplay it. Looking ahead to the Kansas game a week from now the thin margin will likely be mentioned more than once. How will you feel if it’s taken from UK?

Not even a bit, I focus on this year. That was disappointing enough. I don't play for team so it's just entertainment
It matters to me just like the number of championships matter. It’s nice hearing The Winningest Program in College Basketball History attached to your program. And that would be my stance if my son, mom, or myself was the
I won’t lower my standards or expectations just because I’m afraid of getting another Billy G here.

Your standards? You have nothing to do with the results of the team. Your standards, and mine, don't jack squat.

Watch or don't watch, those are our only choices
I’ve seen several posters here downplay it. Looking ahead to the Kansas game a week from now the thin margin will likely be mentioned more than once. How will you feel if it’s taken from UK?
Yes it does as well as the most tournament wins which I think is about to fall as well...GOOOOOOOOOO!
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I’m not gonna read through this entire thread but are you guys aware of this ?

If you want to look on the bright side, this stat may not last long as Kansas is staring vacated games straight in the face due to an impending decision/punishment from the IARP. It’s likely that this will be a short-lived celebration for the Jayhawks, but it’s theirs for now.
Not really.

Do you know who has the most all-time wins in college football ?? Is that team the #1 program in college football ??

KY is DEFINITELY a Top-Level, Blueblood program. I hope we will always be considered such. I do not think there is a #1 overall program.

So Michigan is better than Alabama. I tried telling everyone
Your standards? You have nothing to do with the results of the team. Your standards, and mine, don't jack squat.

Watch or don't watch, those are our only choices
I won’t lower my expectations then. How’s that?
I think it's a silly thing to worry about.

Kansas has played how many more games? We know they were caught cheating.

UNC doesn't have the All-time wins lead. I don't think any UNC fans lose sleep over that. Duke doesn't have the All-time wins lead. Are their fans upset over it?

After last year, this was bound to happen. A 9 win season allowed them to get within striking distance. We were mad at Cal about the 9 win season. Now we're getting mad over something we knew was going to happen?
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I’ve seen several posters here downplay it. Looking ahead to the Kansas game a week from now the thin margin will likely be mentioned more than once. How will you feel if it’s taken from UK?
Nope, doesn't matter to me at all. Put a quality program on the floor with players who want to win, and the wins will take care of them self!!
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Out of curiosity, how far ahead were we when cal got here? How far ahead after 2015? I gotta think we gave up a ton of ground the last 6 or 7 years
It matters. I wouldn't worry about it as much if I thought we had a coach who could get it back.
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For bragging rights sure. That said who am I bragging to?

I just like to watch Uk basketball and the excitement of making a run. The other stuff is fun to to think about but not worth busting a vein over. Plenty of other reasons to be mad at cal.
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Absolutely. I want UK to be at the top. The "Gold Standard" should be, well, the gold standard in wins.
Cal created this monster and now it's eating him alive (I guess). 9 million a yr lifetime can cause you to sit back and laugh.
The problem here is that he is such a narcissist he thinks he actually believes he does no wrong. All this Gold Sandard, "we don't play cbb, we are cbb", "we eat first" and my personal favorite of standing on the sidelines screaming at the top of your lungs yelling Gooooooooo...STOP IT!!! COACH the team in practice and let them play what you have "supposedly " taught them.
And my last thing honest with the kids and STOP playing favorites! If a kid plays great in a game and you tell EVERYBODY he warrants/deserves more time ...give to them!!! You cry you can't take these kids hearts away and then turn around and do it to certain players and no I'm not only talking about Allen because he's isn't the first and probably won't be the last.
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These things are cylical. Unc was up 4 on ncaa tournament wins when calipari arrived. Uk surged ahead and now unc will take a small lead and then uk will go back in front.

Kansas was 100 wins behind uk in 1986 and they have been gaining on uk for 36 years. They have also played 130 to 140 plus more games so for those of us that are stats, finance guys we all know the true measure is winning percentage.

The problem is your average fan, including your average uk fan, isn't educated enough to understand this and focus on the more shiny and simplistic most wins point. As with everything, these things are cyclical and uk will pull back ahead in due time.
Well I certainly enjoyed UK being first despite the massive cheating over many years by Kansas and UNC. So it does sting a little to not have that anymore. But Kansas is going to lose a bunch of those wins real soon.

You can throw brickbats at Cal all you want, but when he arrived UK was barely in front of UNC and he extended that lead significantly.

Kansas has kind of been the tortoise vs the hare. They have consistently won their conference and had 25+ win seasons every year, but they only have 3 titles to show for all those wins, and they have 100+ more losses than UK.

BTW, UK is 32 wins ahead of UNC so that gap is not going to be narrowed significantly even if UNC gets to the championship game. Will be a net gain for this season since UNC lost so many games in the regular season.
I can tell you someone it doesn't matter to- Cal.

This is the single greatest record in NCAA Basketball. We were commonly introduced on TV as "The winningest program in NCAA history." Now that goes to someone else.

In 1989, during Pitino's first rebuilding year, we lost lead to UNC. Pitino came out the next day and declared he would put Kentucky back on top. Cal would never do that, because Cal doesn't care about Kentucky. He will never mention it and hope the fans just accept another failure...

Yes, it matters.
During Johnny Clam Chowder's reign:

Duke won multiple titles
UConn won multiple titles
Nova won multiple titles
Kansas passed us in wins
UNC tied us (about to pass us) in tourney wins
NIT season in 2013
Not invited to NIT in 2021 with worse season in history
Worst tournament loss in history in 2022

But it's all going to be okay.
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It ours, we earned it and it should stay in Lexington in its rightful home. Yes, it matters to me and when we lose it it will suck until we get it back.
It matters, but minorly.

We lost the lead in the 80s to UNC and didn’t get it back until 1996 or so. I expect that to happen again. KU is bound to have a rough year at some point, especially if they’re punished for their NCAA crimes.
Honestly I’m pretty apathetic about it. The sun will come out tomorrow irregardless. Just waiting for the day when it’s fun to watch the Cats again.
I’m not gonna read through this entire thread but are you guys aware of this ?

If you want to look on the bright side, this stat may not last long as Kansas is staring vacated games straight in the face due to an impending decision/punishment from the IARP. It’s likely that this will be a short-lived celebration for the Jayhawks, but it’s theirs for now.
Sure. The NCAA has been quick to handle stuff just like this. Look at North Carolina if you want to make sure of it. If you are apathetic, then you obviously don’t care by your own definition. I do. There is no bright side to this ish!!!