
Evening D, if you like grapes, go to Kroger and get some Moon Drop grapes, sweetest grapes I've ever had, kinda pricey, but great!! We need your prayers again, I told y'all we were great grandparents, both are still in the hospital, our great granddaughter wad moved out of PICU today, but will still be in there for couple more weeks! Our granddaughter had to have spine surgery this morning because she developed an abscess where she got an epidural! They said they got just about all of it, but please pray for her! Thanks D!!!
Evening D, if you like grapes, go to Kroger and get some Moon Drop grapes, sweetest grapes I've ever had, kinda pricey, but great!! We need your prayers again, I told y'all we were great grandparents, both are still in the hospital, our great granddaughter wad moved out of PICU today, but will still be in there for couple more weeks! Our granddaughter had to have spine surgery this morning because she developed an abscess where she got an epidural! They said they got just about all of it, but please pray for her! Thanks D!!!

God Bless your Grand Daughter and family Sir. I will pray now...
Evening D, if you like grapes, go to Kroger and get some Moon Drop grapes, sweetest grapes I've ever had, kinda pricey, but great!! We need your prayers again, I told y'all we were great grandparents, both are still in the hospital, our great granddaughter wad moved out of PICU today, but will still be in there for couple more weeks! Our granddaughter had to have spine surgery this morning because she developed an abscess where she got an epidural! They said they got just about all of it, but please pray for her! Thanks D!!!
Prayer sent this morning.

Morning Legionnaires!

60° this morning with a high of 90° expected.

Missed the game yesterday and did not know we had won until I received a text from a friend while I was still at the ballpark in Ardmore OK. Great game, I have 2 games in our league today at 1 and 3 so, maybe the Bengals will win if I am not watching. Made the drive home more enjoyable as we lost all 3 games yesterday in a 3-game guaranteed tournament. I played the worst set of games I think I ever played in my life yesterday. Was not my normal team, I was invited by another team to join. To be fair though, that team sucked. It was a mishmash of players that about half had never played together before this tournament.

One side note, there was a play at the plate that I covered in the first game where a woman (late 20's early 30's) about 5'7" 150/160lbs or so was barreling down on the plate. The throw home was low, so I went down to scoop it when she just put her knee into my left chest/shoulder area (collisions normally not allowed). Rocked me back a little as she tumbled across the plate grabbing her knee and rolling around on the ground. I went back to see if she was all right, but she just blew me off and hobbled away to the dugout angry. Found out later that her and her husband do that kind of stuff in the league they play in to get interference calls. I guess she figured the "old man" (a reference to me from their dugout earlier in the game) was going to be an easy target. At 5'9" and 200lbs or so she found out about the strength of old men (heh heh heh). She did not play the rest of that game and did not play in their next game I watched.

Sorry for the long post folks, a lot to say.

Enjoy the day and God Bless.
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Evening D, if you like grapes, go to Kroger and get some Moon Drop grapes, sweetest grapes I've ever had, kinda pricey, but great!! We need your prayers again, I told y'all we were great grandparents, both are still in the hospital, our great granddaughter wad moved out of PICU today, but will still be in there for couple more weeks! Our granddaughter had to have spine surgery this morning because she developed an abscess where she got an epidural! They said they got just about all of it, but please pray for her! Thanks D!!!
Sorry to hear. Wishing a speedy recovery.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and clear. Today's high coming in around 95°F. In fact, highs in the 90s expected until at least next weekend. Summer not letting go.

Loved, LOVED Cats' win yesterday.

Wishing y'all a peaceful Sunday.

British Airways in-flight dining service remains legendary.


Morning Legionnaires!

60° this morning with a high of 90° expected.

Missed the game yesterday and did not know we had won until I received a text from a friend while I was still at the ballpark in Ardmore OK. Great game, I have 2 games in our league today at 1 and 3 so, maybe the Bengals will win if I am not watching. Made the drive home more enjoyable as we lost all 3 games yesterday in a 3-game guaranteed tournament. I played the worst set of games I think I ever played in my life yesterday. Was not my normal team, I was invited by another team to join. To be fair though, that team sucked. It was a mishmash of players that about half had never played together before this tournament.

One side note, there was a play at the plate that I covered in the first game where a woman (late 20's early 30's) about 5'7" 150/160lbs or so was barreling down on the plate. The throw home was low, so I went down to scoop it when she just put her knee into my left chest/shoulder area (collisions normally not allowed). Rocked me back a little as she tumbled across the plate grabbing her knee and rolling around on the ground. I went back to see if she was all right, but she just blew me off and hobbled away to the dugout angry. Found out later that her and her husband do that kind of stuff in the league they play in to get interference calls. I guess she figured the "old man" (a reference to me from their dugout earlier in the game) was going to be an easy target. At 5'9" and 200lbs or so she found out about the strength of old men (heh heh heh). She did not play the rest of that game and did not play in their next game I watched.

Sorry for the long post folks, a lot to say.

Enjoy the day and God Bless.

The dumb Dame.
Good morning all,

A "normal" day? Sunday and just dropped My Darling off at church. I'm sitting in her car drinking coffee and eating a piece of dark chocolate.

A heavy drizzle going on. Glad I only cleaned the inside of my wife's car yesterday.

Have a Blessed day....
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