
I'm computer dumb, but this is a picture I found on the internet. It is near Hue, about halfway between DaNang and Tan My. It is a buddha on a hillside. Passed by it several times.

Next time if you just click and open this box above (If you hover over it it states "Insert Image".) and paste there it should let you post the picture...

Good morning folks. It’s raining like a tall cow pissing on a flat rock here. So I’m letting myself run a little late, waiting for it to pass until I head out.

Austin, I could eat that dish, if I could order it special —hold everything involving a sheep or a turnip and double down on the mash potatoes. But I suppose we’ve all eaten odd stuff in our travels. They were down to eating camels when I was first in Somalia during the war/famine. I just closed my eyes and pretended it was Zebra…

Glad it is the eve of Friday, and the last day I have to go downtown this week. It’s been a rough one. Hope all is well with you folks.
Cool morning here in Smiths Grove, 60.6°F and cloudy. It was cloudy all day yesterday yet we never got a drop. It is to be cloudy for the next week so we may get some of the hurricane soon. We are supposed to get to 76°F today with a good chance of rain.

I am 42% Scottish, but that goes down to near zero when it comes to some things that they eat in the UK. Sheep guts does not turn me on at all. Cooked blood is a turn off. However, I have eaten chitlins but that was more or less on a dare. Turnips: I love the greens and the root is to die for with some good pork. I like turnips mashed up like potatoes or cooked and sliced as a side. Turnip greens are about the best greens on earth for my taste.
Good morning all,

Getting ready to start work in a few minutes.

I have plenty of work to do but hoping this is a light interaction type of day.

I am lurking....