I love this ass beating!
I love this ass beating!
I know Louisville is bad but nice to see Gran loosen the reins.
No punts. I like it.Kentucky never punted right? Wonder if that’s ever happened before.
I would like to go the entire game with no punts
Are you all enjoying this so far?
I sure am
Dirty birds is the right name for this crowd
Yes! We're celebrating here. A bunch of drunk class of '82 spending the night. So proud of these guys. The football team that is, not my guests.
FENG SHUI 2018 & HOROSCOPE FOR ROOSTER LinkRooster, did you get the humor in my zodiacal considerations post? I thought that was good stuff.
Included in attendance were many people he and his family had gotten off of the streets and helped change their lives. Many testimonials as to his very helpful and generous nature. Very well loved individual . . . Wish I could have known him better.