
The last time I toked (right before I joined the Navy) me and three of my buddies got 2 sacks of Krystals (48 sliders)..


*yes i know harold and kumar went to white castle but still...
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The last time I toked (right before I joined the Navy) me and three of my buddies got 2 sacks of Krystals (48 sliders). No fries. The last time we got fries, my friend Dooney actually bit his finger thinking it was a french fry. It's 41 miles from Nashville to Columbia, TN. Franklin is right between the two. Riding in a convertible '68 Chevy Impala, top down. Those sliders were gone before we got to Franklin! I shudder to think what I could eat with today's strands.
I am entirely too paranoid to drive through tennessee smoking bud lol. Tennessee cops like to F Kentucky people. My buddy got married in Cookeville and I got pulled over twice within two miles for one headlight being out on dim while high asf. The first cop gave me a warning and pretty much as soon as I pulled out and got up to speed another one whipped it over and pulled me over.
My girl has literally thrown up every time she smokes headband. One of my buddies had some that he kept calling headband and when she hit it she threw up. Then my buddy brought some back from CO and she threw up again.
Headband is heavy duty...made a dude I know puke Taco Bell.
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I am entirely too paranoid to drive through tennessee smoking bud lol. Tennessee cops like to F Kentucky people. My buddy got married in Cookeville and I got pulled over twice within two miles for one headlight being out on dim while high asf. The first cop gave me a warning and pretty much as soon as I pulled out and got up to speed another one whipped it over and pulled me over.

Not even us were crazy enough to smoke while driving. We drove with the top down mainly to stay awake! My recruiter was a 'Nam vet. Once I got past the initial processing, he basically told me "Man if you like to get touched up, do it this weekend before you go to boot camp. It'll be out of your system by the time you finish, but know that after boot, you can get random piss checks at a moment's notice." The man spoke truth.
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My deck right now. Carpenter bees, erywhur. No matter how many I swat and spray, they return.

"FOOL!" you'll say........"YOU MUST PLUG THE HOLESSSSS!!!!" Yes, I do know this.

However....I'm trying this first, just because I've heard such wonderful things about the death it will bring them.

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What kind of beautiful death does wd-40 bring to those flying bastards?

Man, I thought today was Wednesday. Thanks, reefers! :eek:
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That was beautiful. I hate those bees. Not because they sting or anything, but because they scare the shit out of all of my children.

Got a small wasp nest in my grill. If I WD40 them, will they die or will I?

I've got no time for pudgy out of shape celebrities. Unless being fat is your thing, you've got nothing to do but get your picture taken, count money and work an easy job. John Legend and Kanye shouldn't have man boobs. Get it together fellas. Kelly Clarkson, eat a salad. You used to be hot. This isn't body shaming, it's just a fact.
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Funky- I actually think in the next 20 years there will a movement in America when no one gives an Ed Smith fart about celebrities.
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Put in a resume for an internship today. It's the first time I've done one of these for an internship and I'm pretty nervous because this internship could lead to bigger jobs that could help me launch my career so I really want it.

Looks like a lot of people applied. Had something that said "more than 100 people will apply for this internship". Yikes. Really hope I get it.
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Hope you get it to man. What field is it in? I got a job out my internship, so if I can help you with you anything let me know. Be glad to give you advice. I will say the number one thing to any interniship is your attitude. Attitude is #1 brother. Remmer dat.
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Thanks willy. It's for the Kentucky Speedway. What I'm nervous about is it's tough to put stuff down on a resume when it's for an internship. They asked me all these questions like "what do you do that sets you apart from others in the business field" and "what have you done for a business that would impress us". Heck, I'm still in college trying to get a degree. I haven't managed any businesses yet. The description said it would be good for college students so I'm hoping they're not expecting me to have all this experience already.

I have a good attitude and hope that they give me a shot. Just one shot is all I need to get my career going.
First rule to entry level internships or jobs are the bullshit questions. Where you see yourself from 10 years? What are your weaknesess? What are strengths? No job that will pay you money will ask you questions like that. So, understanding who is interviewing will pay off. Most likely for you, it will be some mouthbreather. Prolly trying to advance himself/herself. So listen what the interviewer says. If they use words like vision. "where do you see yourself". Use vision language back at him/her. "well if you can imagine a hard working person who has a great attitude". Or someone who uses sound "We need a firecracker in here" you respond with sound, "I like to blast off with my projects and keep banging away till it's complete" Blue Rupp, you need help with your resume? I'll have my wife make it look great for you. If you need it. We can help you if you need it.
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BlueRupp - do you have any volunteer experience, any class projects that demonstrate your abilities? When I was an undergrad, I had a chance to get some work experience in my field as part of a class. I learned the day to day operation and got credit but no pay.

When I interviewed for my first job, I was 1 of over 100 applicants. I heard that 4 of us were interviewed. Everyone else had better grades than me, one or more had a more advanced degree than me. However, I had some actual experience and could talk about doing the job.

Hope you get it. If not, keep looking. There are plenty of internships out there & jobs.
Thanks guys! And willy, Im going to wait and see how this first resume goes. If I don't get it I might take you guys up on your offers!!! I realize a good looking resume can help me greatly.

93, I do have some past experience that I put on there. They asked if I had any past experience with a job like this, and I did. The internship is for the ticket sales and marketing department and customer service. At my old job I was in customer service and sales so I do know a little about it.
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Thanks guys! And willy, Im going to wait and see how this first resume goes. If I don't get it I might take you guys up on your offers!!! I realize a good looking resume can help me greatly.

93, I do have some past experience that I put on there. They asked if I had any past experience with a job like this, and I did. The internship is for the ticket sales and marketing department and customer service. At my old job I was in customer service and sales so I do know a little about it.
Good ideas from others. Volunteering is great resume builder, so is an internship. It shows you actually care about your work and are willing to shovel shit to do it. Not that it means they can walk on you, but shows commitment. Also, what I have learned, a huge part is whether they like you in the interview. They think, "can we put up with this guy?"
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Did anyone else have a reversion in their mid 30s? I am literally closer to my highschool hobbies than my 20s. Its odd. I collect comic books, watch movies, no longer play live music, dont read as much. I am a good father. Other than that, I got nothing. If I lose my wife, I am screwed. Hey girls, late 30's overweight single dad who collects comic books, likes sci-fi, posts on a message board all day. Offers would come a plenty. Also, starting to lose hair on top. That too.
I think a single father with a good job is a bigger draw than you might think. There are some desperate ladies out there.

I think it was Ghost who said he and his (now-ex-)wife set up dating profiles online and he got all kinds of hits.

I'm right there with you on the hair loss, though. That sucks. However, a shaved head is a hairdo.
Did anyone else have a reversion in their mid 30s? I am literally closer to my highschool hobbies than my 20s. Its odd. I collect comic books, watch movies, no longer play live music, dont read as much. I am a good father. Other than that, I got nothing. If I lose my wife, I am screwed. Hey girls, late 30's overweight single dad who collects comic books, likes sci-fi, posts on a message board all day. Offers would come a plenty. Also, starting to lose hair on top. That too.
Well, it's never too late find past loves man (hobbies). Glad you found something to like doing LEK. As you get older the metabolism stabilizes and the hair thing happens. I'm losing a lot these days too. It's thinning out. Don't feel bad. I'm with ya on that. I've bought of that Rogaine shit n Walmart. Not sure if it is working. May go to one of those hair doctors as I get even more thinner.
I read once that Rogaine only works on the crown of your head, and that's not my issue (yet). The old hairline is the problem. Can't fight that without planting nut hair up there or something. Maybe I'll just grow the back hair out and comb it over. That would be a nice look.