
99% sure it's OG Purple Haze, but you never know for sure with the Google image wizardry. I didn't take that pic.....although I most certainly wish I had.

I'll probably change it up every month.

It's OG Purple Haze. As an aside, I took my last tinkle test last week (at my hospital, we go on the random list every three years). I'll be retired before my number comes up again, but I think I'll wait until I go on the six month countdown before I blaze a bowl. I'd like to try some Romulan...after I hit some Blueberry!
let this be a PSA:

If you ever make stir fry and drop a couple dried habanero peppers' worth of seeds into it... if the food gets on your mouth and you decide to wipe your mouth with your fingers/hand, don't forget to wash your hands and then 20 minutes later scratch your balls.

Jesus. Floating on the water. Christ.

I've been regretting my life decisions tonight for the last 2 hours. Wiping em with a cold rag only spreads it. Do not do this. Some got in/around my piss hole and it hurts so bad to pee. Just have to wait it out.
Man, until you have dug your fingers into some chicken hot sauce and then tried to take the contacts out of your eyes, then I don't know what to tell you. One time though, I did daub some hot sauce on my balls and had to wash them in the bathroom sink. True story. It burnt. Who knew, right?
It's OG Purple Haze. As an aside, I took my last tinkle test last week (at my hospital, we go on the random list every three years). I'll be retired before my number comes up again, but I think I'll wait until I go on the six month countdown before I blaze a bowl. I'd like to try some Romulan...after I hit some Blueberry!
Good for you Ghost. Good for you. Man, get a vape machine. You'll love it.
Willy, I haven't toked in 35 years (honest to Odin). But my friends who do have kept me up to date on pretty much every strain that has come out since 1978! When I retire, I know the FIRST j I hit will probably have me in a catatonic trance. Gonna have to work my way up to a bowl!
Willy, I haven't toked in 35 years (honest to Odin). But my friends who do have kept me up to date on pretty much every strain that has come out since 1978! When I retire, I know the FIRST j I hit will probably have me in a catatonic trance. Gonna have to work my way up to a bowl!
Very happy for you man. First happy for your retirement. Secondly, happy that you get to enjoy something that can be fun.
It's OG Purple Haze. As an aside, I took my last tinkle test last week (at my hospital, we go on the random list every three years). I'll be retired before my number comes up again, but I think I'll wait until I go on the six month countdown before I blaze a bowl. I'd like to try some Romulan...after I hit some Blueberry!
Just sayin...
Best times of my life, GB and me. WowZers. 2 or 3 liter bottle, cut a handful of pencil sized holes in the bottom, and get a glass stem with rubber grommet to fit up top for a perfect seal. Wowzerz.
-Dont smoke the weed because of job. Would just suck...Would love to though

-Busy day, not much posting.

-Dang Mav, was gonna whoop you in Galaga. Show you who the real man is by beating you in a video game.

-I made sure to like everyone's post. Team work for the bad news bears

-Havent listened to sports radio in a while. Still on NPR. I feel smarter for some reason. No clue.

-BBQ tonight. Pulled pork, cooking all day. Rib a dib dib dib delicious.

-Need to get caught up with Gotham

-Next week, fox has some new show, looks like twin peaks for the 2015. Will be watching.

-Jim James at Derby with a girl from a band called the ladybirds. She is married to her guitarplayer. looks like a little social upgrading. :confused:
Best times of my life, GB and me. WowZers. 2 or 3 liter bottle, cut a handful of pencil sized holes in the bottom, and get a glass stem with rubber grommet to fit up top for a perfect seal. Wowzerz.
GB is what I got started on. I love it because it gets me stoned out of my mind and on about 20% of the weed that a bowl would.

I use a 64oz gatorade bottle with a 9mm socket on top
Romulan FTW. It's called Romulan because the effects are akin to the dented skull.

The strains today are significantly much stronger than the crap from 1978. I'm not a huge wake n bake guy, but believe me, there may never be a chance to build up a tolerance.

Believe me, I know today's stuff puts the back in the day weed to shame. The best back then was Jamaican Blue and Maui Zowie. When I do light up...a bed will be close at hand just so I can flop on it without having to take too many steps!
Really wish this was me right now...


I STG I hate the general public
My girl has literally thrown up every time she smokes headband. One of my buddies had some that he kept calling headband and when she hit it she threw up. Then my buddy brought some back from CO and she threw up again.
Really wish this was me right now...


I STG I hate the general public

I'd be in a coma within 10 seconds of putting that mask on. I hope his eyes are closed...Ol' Beezelbub himself would be proud of those red eyes if they were open!
I'd be in a coma within 10 seconds of putting that mask on. I hope his eyes are closed...Ol' Beezelbub himself would be proud of those red eyes if they were open!
Not even exterior white enamel house paint could take the red outta them eyes.
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^^ Better get a bag of chips ready too

The last time I toked (right before I joined the Navy) me and three of my buddies got 2 sacks of Krystals (48 sliders). No fries. The last time we got fries, my friend Dooney actually bit his finger thinking it was a french fry. It's 41 miles from Nashville to Columbia, TN. Franklin is right between the two. Riding in a convertible '68 Chevy Impala, top down. Those sliders were gone before we got to Franklin! I shudder to think what I could eat with today's strands.