
There has never been a band with such a collection of individual musical virtuosity that has sucked so much butt.

Tim Reynolds, Carter Beauford, Stefan Lessard, Boyd Tinsley....all wonderful musicians. Dave took all of their talents and took a big piss on them with his lyrics and stupid melodies.
There has never been a band with such a collection of individual musical virtuosity that has sucked so much butt.

Tim Reynolds, Carter Beauford, Stefan Lessard, Boyd Tinsley....all wonderful musicians. Dave took all of their talents and took a big piss on them with his lyrics and stupid melodies.
hahahaha But Kappa Alpha Phi LOVES THEM MAN!!!!
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HAHAHAHA exactly how I thought it would go.

Take another Like Argubs. hahaa

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I was probably in 5th grade when I decided DMB was not for me and he was probably a rapist. That song about being the king of the castle, and lifting up girls' skirts to see the world and shit. No thanks. Guarantee 90% of date rapes involve DMB somehow.

Glad we're all in agreement. I would like a paddock poll so I can judge people accordingly.
I was probably in 5th grade when I decided DMB was not for me and he was probably a rapist. That song about being the king of the castle, and lifting up girls' skirts to see the world and shit. No thanks. Guarantee 90% of date rapes involve DMB somehow.

Glad we're all in agreement. I would like a paddock poll so I can judge people accordingly.

Now you realize why Spencer loves them so much...

Spencer Cosby
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I wonder if the threads on this new board can just go on forever? 13 pages is pretty long without some screw up.

The clip cuts out the best part where they "make" it and start woo hooing -- and then trail off when they realize it doesn't mean anything, and then Kramer runs away.

Whoa KS, cats pause asked me if I was sure I liked your post. Hmmm. I dont think the system likes you.

A. The donfather is much, much more likeable than the kaizer. That is universally recognized as a scientific fact.

B. I believe this to be yet another case of "The Man" trying to keep a good man down.

C. Eff "The Man".

D. Eff the system.
And I am going to go against the grain here and say that I like DMB. I don't love their music but I like it. Especially the live tracks. I hear some of their live stuff on the Jam station on the XM machine and I dig it.

I will agree with the sentiment that they are great musicians and the group as a whole could have been much better with a legit front man who could write better lyrics.

But I stand behind the fact that I like some of their tunes.
Now REM...that's another story. I have always thought they were severely over-rated. I dig a couple of their old tunes but otherwise despise the rest of their catalogue. Stipe's voice is ultra-annoying and I have always considered the vast majority of their music to be a soundtrack for a frat house circle jerk. Not that there's anything wrong with...wait, who am I kidding? There's all kinds of wrong going on there.
I'm not going to argue about musical taste. I like some REM and some DMB, but I can see how they get their reputations.

REM was the preferred band of college English and Philosophy majors when I was an undergrad. DMB seems to be followed by a bunch of guys in khaki shorts.

I even like Rush, but I'll never try to convince anyone else to listen to them. This is part of the reason that I could never be in sales. I'd be like look, here is the product I have. If you like it, buy it, if not maybe you find something you like better down the road.

I've started trying to follow basketball again. I never pay attention to recruiting until this time of the season. I'm interested bro see where Jaon Brown picks to go to school. Seems like he would be a good fit and fill a big need.
I'm not going to argue about musical taste. I like some REM and some DMB, but I can see how they get their reputations.

REM was the preferred band of college English and Philosophy majors when I was an undergrad. DMB seems to be followed by a bunch of guys in khaki shorts.

I even like Rush, but I'll never try to convince anyone else to listen to them. This is part of the reason that I could never be in sales. I'd be like look, here is the product I have. If you like it, buy it, if not maybe you find something you like better down the road.

I've started trying to follow basketball again. I never pay attention to recruiting until this time of the season. I'm interested bro see where Jaon Brown picks to go to school. Seems like he would be a good fit and fill a big need.

Saw Rush and Aerosmith once in I believe it was Evansville back in the '70s. Great concert. FCC.
here is a pic of my very downsized garden..10 tomato plants , 5 cucumber plants,4 bell peppers, green onions and some jalapenos for grillin...used to be 30x 50 ..this will much easier on this old
guy. notice the custom color on the garden boards to match blue metal roof on swing. soil is a blend of 70% topsoil,20% compost, 10% sand...WHO THE ***K besides me has a spec build page on a friggin garden...OCD at it's finest..

laughing at myself my earlier years I was wilder than a march hair a full of piss and vinegar AND could hang with you young guys on all the wild ass stories, now the highlights of life are grandkids, family and fresh tomatoes, and regularity...Life is good kiddos , life is good!
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Well I said I would burn the month of April, but this happened in May. Hmmmmm, I think ill just say "screw it" and move on with life. I have finals next week and all.
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here is a pic of my very downsized garden..10 tomato plants , 5 cucumber plants,4 bell peppers, green onions and some jalapenos for grillin...used to be 30x 50 ..this will much easier on this old
guy. notice the custom color on the garden boards to match blue metal roof on swing. soil is a blend of 70% topsoil,20% compost, 10% sand...WHO THE ***K besides me has a spec build page on a friggin garden...OCD at it's finest..

So when's dinner?
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I'm not going to argue about musical taste.

Oh I don't argue either, sure I'll aggravate and bust balls but it's all in good fun. Hell, I've got a couple of Andy Gibb songs on one of my best workout tapes -- and BAH GAWD if any of you suck-wads say anything bad about Andy I'll theoretically try to theoretically kick your asses.

Andy Friggin Gibb. There, I said it and GD it I meant it -- and his brothers weren't bad either. BTW, does anybody else find it ironic that their best-known hit is Stayin Alive and yet, in the past few years, they've been droppin like flies?

Man my musical tastes are all over the map and pedestrian as hell. But that's the magical, mystical thing about music -- different vibes move different people in different ways. No right, no wrong, just enjoy. It's like a wise man, good friend and D-League stalwart (hat tip to the Will-meister) once said in another thread (paraphrasing), "aren't humans interesting? One man sees a skank while another man sees a potential wife." Truth.

I've got a book that attempts to scientifically explain from a neuropsychological standpoint why some people prefer certain types of music over others that I've never finished, but now I'm motivated to read it cover to cover. Stuff like that -- i.e. differences in tastes and why some things evoke pleasure and others pain -- has always fascinated me.

What the heck is it about some beats, rhythms, notes, instruments, whatever, that put one person into a state of bliss while to others it's like nails on a chalkboard? Hell, at its core "music" is nothing more than an mush-mash of mechanical friggin sine waves which rattle a tiny, thin membrane and generate a nerve impulse. How can something as simple as that have so much power?

Anyway, the moonshine is kicking in (wifey fell asleep so I decided to partake) so I'm gonna quit rambling before I start to ramble. Oh, and uh, one more thing...Bruce Sprungfield SUCKS.
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