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Started to type this the other day but got side tracked...surprised that the donfather hasn't shown up in the D since basketball season is over.

Just saw where among the list of buildings burned in Baltimore was a community center that was under construction. Brilliant.
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Started to type this the other day but got side tracked...surprised that the donfather hasn't shown up in the D since basketball season is over.

Just saw where among the list of buildings burned in Baltimore was a community center that was under construction. Brilliant.

....and a nursing home too.

It's my personal opinion that Don cut out about the middle of the season when it got real racy on here. Uncle Jed cut out as well cause he couldn't approve of the content as it was the cutting edge. Just saying...

Hey to all my friends. FCC
I might/prolly will be playing in a softball tournament in Louisville the weekend of May 16th. All Louisvillian/Lexingtonian D-Leaguers, and, what the hell, lurkers -- if any -- please adjust your plans accordingly as I may be available for after-game hi-jinks.
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I might/prolly will be playing in a softball tournament in Louisville the weekend of May 16th. All Louisvillian/Lexingtonian D-Leaguers, and, what the hell, lurkers -- if any -- please adjust your plans accordingly as I may be available for after-game hi-jinks.
If I'm an elite recruit coming out of high school, I'm going to look at 3 things. First, who can best develop me in 9 months before the draft. Second, what are the current salaries for their former players in the NBA. Three, who gives me the best shot to win a NCAA?

Those are the only three real things that matter. Location, media attention are all secondary.
If I'm an elite recruit coming out of high school, I'm going to look at 3 things. First, who can best develop me in 9 months before the draft. Second, what are the current salaries for their former players in the NBA. Three, who gives me the best shot to win a NCAA?

Those are the only three real things that matter. Location, media attention are all secondary.
93- knows what I'm talking about.

FCC- Fist bumps.
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Mav...I am down for a pre-Official D-League Shindig get together on the 16th in Metro.

Topics of said meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the following: UK Basketball, willy's POTUS campaign, tittays, the implications of the decline of western civilization and how that factors into the economic welfare of the common D-Leaguer, more in depth discussion about tittays, and how to effectively implement a coup d'etat of funkycat's faux leadership establishment deal.
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It's my personal opinion that Don cut out about the middle of the season when it got real racy on here. Uncle Jed cut out as well cause he couldn't approve of the content as it was the cutting edge. Just saying...

Wrong! Wrong! (Or at least I doubt that's it.)

The donfather usually posts sparingly (sometimes not at all) in the D during basketball season. He spends most of his time on RR. And then he usually meanders back over here in the off-season. Might just be waiting for the draft and college signing day to be over.

Not to mention the fact that he founded the D and has seen much, much racier stuff in here then was posted this season.

He will be back soon. The donfather is resilient.
Shit, I wish I was in loeeyville for the meet up. I'm all jelly over here. haha
Shit, I wish I was in loeeyville for the meet up. I'm all jelly over here. haha

Yeah, forgot to mention that we will be electing the new officers...and that you have to be present to be considered.

Sorry, very well might be elected as the next POTUS...but you will be ineligible to be elected as a prestigious member of the official D-League Management Team. Advantage: The American people.
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Yeah, forgot to mention that we will be electing the new officers...and that you have to be present to be considered.

Sorry, very well might be elected as the next POTUS...but you will be ineligible to be elected as a prestigious member of the official D-League Management Team. Advantage: The American people.
Technically, D League Management trumps Executive office.
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I will abdicate my role of Supreme Leader if I am granted a small fiefdom of any future D-League owned and operated marihuana crops that might come available pending further legislation in Kentucky.

If my request is denied, then let it be War.

I see your conditional response and raise you a non-negotiable can have a small fiefdom in the future D-League Cash Crop Empire if and only if you bring at least 50 of your colleagues on board as long-term contract customers of said future empire.

Or war...war would be acceptable as well. Your choice.
I don't even see the alerts. I'm in a better place now. Blocking all the bad energy, and harnessing the good.

I'm a pro at that "fapper" game.
I don't know about this new K in the interlocking UK. Just a weird looking letter.

First pic is the current logo, second is my approximation of the new one with similar ratios, third is kind of spread out like it looks on the memorial floor, and last is from the floor itself. It just looks a little "off".

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I don't know about this new K in the interlocking UK. Just a weird looking letter.

First pic is the current logo, second is my approximation of the new one with similar ratios, third is kind of spread out like it looks on the memorial floor, and last is from the floor itself. It just looks a little "off".

The new K makes the whole thing look too much like the University of Houston logo.

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