
Surprised the donf

Already 7 cops injured including one who is not responsive. Several arrests being made. Looting going on already. And I have seen two cop cars trashed/set ablaze. And it's still daylight and those appear to be HS kids. When the sun goes down and the real hooligans start roaming the streets ish is gonna get real. I fully anticipate a few deaths.

State Police are on the way. Not sure why they haven't sent in the National Guard.
The Baltimore mayor(maybe governor, not sure) is a joke. She said they just are giving the looters(rioters) space so they can destroy.
That's the first time I've ever seen that. And, I like the Carpenters, even though I never did understand what her brother brought to the table.

Man I actually love the Carpenters too, and I think Karen had one of the all-time best voices ever. I'm not sure of the terminology but her tone/resonance was just so pure. From what I've read, Richard was the one who was trying to be a star and Karen was a drummer of all things lol. But, when the producers heard her sing they knew they had a one in a million voice and decided to make her the frontman/woman.

Norm, are you Ronnie Mund?

I'm Scores Man

Thrilled to see some HSS fans in here.

The Show has a lot more misses than hits these days, but anything involving Ronnie kills me.
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Are ephreda pills still allowed in this state? Nice to have some energy pills that have legs. Caffeine pills just don't do it after a few hours.
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Reactions: Willy4UK nice. On Fox News the city councilman of Baltimore just compared UK's couch burning celebrations to the riots going on there.
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A 8-10 hour energy boost was nice. Now you can't find that. I guess some genius thinks you can make synthetic dope off ephedra extract.
I was gonna post my views as to why Baltimore happens but that would be beating a dead horse..I 100% agree that there is a lot of bad stuff in this world and I to am very blessed to live in my bubble
I'm just amazed at why they destroy the very neighborhoods they live in whenever they riot. It's like somebody cutting you off in your car, and you get so damn mad that you pull over and take a baseball bat and beat the ish out of your own car.
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Just a guess of course
I'm just amazed at why they destroy the very neighborhoods they live in whenever they riot. It's like somebody cutting you off in your car, and you get so damn mad that you pull over and take a baseball bat and beat the ish out of your own car.

Just a guess, but I think it's more like someone had been cutting you off in your car for several decades, daily. You've read about how they cut off your grandparents off in their cars too. Perhaps you finally devalue your car so much that yes, you get out and take a ball bat too it. Just a guess. FCC.
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First slowly-pitched softball game of the season last night. Hadn't swung a bat in anger since I blew out my calf last June. Timi ng, asthe y sa yinsh ow busine s s, is ev ry thi n g.

Shew we, I know they're just lobbing it up there and all, but when you haven't done something/anything in nearly a year a little bit of rust is bound to set in (Mav's wife slowly nods her head in agreement re: the sexy sexy).
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First slowly-pitched softball game of the season last night. Hadn't swung a bat in anger since I blew out my calf last June. Timi ng, asthe y sa yinsh ow busine s s, is ev ry thi n g.

Shew we, I know they're just lobbing it up there and all, but when you haven't done something/anything in nearly a year a little bit of rust is bound to set in (Mav's wife slowly nods her head in agreement re: the sexy sexy).
Do you play in one of those leagues where it's illegal to hit home runs?
Nah, but because our fields were built back in the 70s we are restricted to 7 per game (they're only like 285-290 feet down the lines).

Home run restrictions put a bullseye on the pitcher -- at least where extra home runs are an out -- because everybody tries to hit the middle in order to keep it in the park instead of free-swinging and pulling the ball.