Crazy idea


Jan 9, 2009
What if we did away with the three point shot and changed scoring thusly...

* Any basket, from any location on the floor, counts as three points if scored in the first eight seconds of a possession

* It counts as two in the next eight seconds.

* It counts as one in the final eight seconds
Crazy as it sounds, it could work for pro-ball. Maybe call it the XBA League.
Speeding up time between plays leads to a worse product. The key to speeding up games and making them better for a viewer would be to cut time added for commercials which is sadly never going to happen.
What if we did away with the three point shot and changed scoring thusly...

* Any basket, from any location on the floor, counts as three points if scored in the first eight seconds of a possession

* It counts as two in the next eight seconds.

* It counts as one in the final eight seconds
I say we go all county carnival. 4 pt shot from 10 ft outside the 3 pt stripe. Sink one from behind half court, 5 pts.
What if we did away with the three point shot and changed scoring thusly...

* Any basket, from any location on the floor, counts as three points if scored in the first eight seconds of a possession

* It counts as two in the next eight seconds.

* It counts as one in the final eight seconds
Oh, you want to increase scoring.
I have no problem with how many points are being scored.
Many of you (young people) would go crazy watching a game from before the shot-clock.

I would have a big problem with a shot in the first 8 seconds being worth 3X as many as one in the last 8 seconds.
Now maybe if you made it 8 pts, 7 pts, & 6pts. Then that early shot is only worth 1.33X more than the late shot.
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Speeding up time between plays leads to a worse product. The key to speeding up games and making them better for a viewer would be to cut time added for commercials which is sadly never going to happen.
The number of timeouts seems to have really negatively impacted the end of modern NBA games, IMO.
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Oh, you want to increase scoring.

1. Lesser team can't hold the ball for 20 seconds before shooting a three
2. Teams will have to emphasize ball handling because a turnover at half court will cost you three points
3. Anyone worried about game stoppage, just have a light on the basket that changes color every 8 seconds. Everyone can see what color it was as the ball went in.
I say we go all county carnival. 4 pt shot from 10 ft outside the 3 pt stripe. Sink one from behind half court, 5 pts.
Do you remember Rock and Jock Basketball on MTV in the 90's? They had spots placed around the court that if you made a basket from them it was worth 10 points. Then they had a 25 foot tall basket that was a 25 point shot.
It would be stupid. It would lead to a lot of jacked 3s in the first 8 seconds without running much to any offensive plays. Minimal passing, ball movement and offensive creativity. No thanks.

Also, this would just lead to even more reviews and stoppage in play. Nobody wants that. And no, putting lights on the backboard won't work as that doesn't indicate if the ball left the players hands in time or not. We already have lights on the backboard for time shot clock expiration and we still have a ton of reviews.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point they start requiring at least one female on the court at all times.

I’m not trying to be sarcastic. I just think there will be a push once there are more WNBA players that start believing they should get equal treatment.
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What if we did away with the three point shot and changed scoring thusly...

* Any basket, from any location on the floor, counts as three points if scored in the first eight

seconds of a possession

* It counts as two in the next eight seconds.

* It counts as one in the final eight seconds
How about standardizing Officiating, throughout the nation, calling 3 seconds, palming/carrying the ball and walking. I've loved basketball my whole life, played from grade school through the 4 years in the military and semi pro into my 50's. Played against former College and Pro players that would all be better players if they were allowed to play as rules allow today.

The NCCA tourney is a prime example: Officials from numerous conferences, which call games differently per conference. Players have to adjust each game to different standards of officials calling like they do in their conference. Therefore many star players sit on the bench with foul trouble, each and every year. With no accountability things will stay the same. NCAA officials are the only profession I csn think of with basically nill accountability.
I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point they start requiring at least one female on the court at all times.

I’m not trying to be sarcastic. I just think there will be a push once there are more WNBA players that start believing they should get equal treatment.
Considering they have a league for females that provides equal opportunity, not sure why that would be an issue.
I’d rather see a system where shots at the rim are 1 point, shots just outside the paint are 2, midrange are 3, etc.

Doesn’t have to be exactly this, but a system that would incentivize offenses working to get, and conversely defenses working to defend the entire floor again.
What ifs alternate universes hypotheticals man we all either need to get a life or man basketball season can't get here quick enough

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