BYU snags foreign star Egor Demin over Arkansas, putting together a good roster, Does this concern you about Jaxson Robinson staying at BYU ?

It does a little, but Kentucky has a clear spot for him and I think that wins out. Kansas is confident as well but I don’t see how they have any money left
Never heard of this dude and I think Robinson already has decided, so no effect. My only hesitation is that there have been several reports that the family is a bit hesitant to move again. We know how that worked out with Scott Drew.
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Never heard of this dude and I think Robinson already has decided, so no effect. My only hesitation is that there have been several reports that the family is a bit hesitant to move again. We know how that worked out with Scott Drew.
I don’t think he has decided yet. Also if comes back I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s like Lanier where he take visits and then makes a decision
It kind of worries me thar BYU has gotten better with their new coach. 🫤

I get what you’re saying. Not sure if he’s better though, but he’s definitely brought more national media attention to BYU.

It’s unlikely Pope would have been able to pull that Russian recruit at BYU or Kentucky, but I think you could also say Pope leaving for Kentucky also gave their program more validity. Kentucky was also terrible at getting Big Z cleared, so I’m hesitant to get excited about international recruits.

Young is following two good coaches at BYU and can sell the NBA connection in the short term before ever coaching a game there.
If Robinson doesn't stay in draft and ends up anywhere other than UK then Pope deserves some heat. No reason not to have JR here.

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Lil bit.

Them being any more attractive isn't helpful.

If nothing else it could save Robinson a move but not overly worried about it because I think the spotlight is more critical for him which means I'm slightly more concerned about the Rug Doctor's Snake Oil and inexhaustable Brinks trucks.
Doesn't bother me. Toss it up and we play with what we got. Find out real quick what kind of new coach we got. I am optimistic. He has won here before and is aware of the expectations. We have some rookies, some Ky boys, some quality transfers and an enthusiastic coach.
Let's go with our full support, BBN.
You’re thinking of a time when UK had a coach that sent 60 players to the NBA. Our current coach has sent 0.

This coach came to UK so he could play in the NBA along with 8 of his teammates and that is exactly what happened.

UK was putting players in the league way before Cal. Cal just amplified the effect to another level. Nobody is questioning that.

Mark’s assignment is to hang twice as many banners as the previous 6 coaches. Hanging 1 is par for the course.

He does that he will put plenty of players in the league. That’s what he will ultimately be judged on.
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It kind of worries me thar BYU has gotten better with their new coach. 🫤

Let's say pope has his exact resume but didn't play at UK. Did BYU hire an upgrade? You can argue pretty well they did when they hired the top assistant in the NBA. Now he snags a potential elite level guy that we keep missing on.

Ab3 is an elite level recruiter but at some point these kids want to see success putting guys in the NBA.

We need jr. Let's hope he gets it done but imo it will be a battle.
Dont fall for glitz over substance. The NBA is the most unoriginal league and today they like foreign players. Next year it may be 4 foot midgets. Whatever wins in the moment. And remember, their best HS recruit in years switched from BYU to UK.
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I’m never concerned about anyone ever, doesn’t mean I don’t want the best team possible, of course I do and I hope he ends up at UK, but if he doesn’t, he doesn’t, on to the next one. I’m ready for a decision either way
Rather or not Young is better than Pope will be decided with results. Clearly BYU and it's boosters have found a coach that they believe in and have gotten serious about trying to win under him.
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Rather or not Young is better than Pope will be decided with results. Clearly BYU and it's boosters have found a coach that they believe in and have gotten serious about trying to win under him.
Exactly. The BYU boosters/collective whatever likely just paid more for one player than they did all the players combined during Pope’s tenure.

To the thread as to whether there should be concern. In general with all “recruitments” going forward there should be concern. These are wild times. These aren’t recruitments in the sense we were all used to. They’re some blend of negotiations/recruitments dependent on the player.

Example: If Pope set aside 1.5M for Jaxson(seems more than fair value based on priors of Roach/Davis/Omoruyi) but another school comes with 2+M…should Pope raise the offer? Should Robinson trust relationships more? Personally I’d say no to both of those questions.

I think what should be encouraging to fans is Pope is obviously putting a very large offer still out on the table for folks. Someone of significance will eventually accept it. Whether that’s Robinson, Poplar, a different transfer, Riley, or a different reclass is probably the only question.