1. It smells like a Sharpe situation. No coach in his or her right mind would skip out on bringing in a guy against the Marshalls of the world and elect to give them their first exposure against Miami.
2. No one (including you or I) did anything about it the last time. Obviously UK did nothing about it
3. The media in the surrounding Lexington area doesn't have the stones to ask Cal the questions that really matter. They're like bobbleheads to whatever he has to ramble on about. Did ANY of them ever ask him "Say, Cow, any reason why you refuse to make Shaedon play, especially when he's ready?"
4. Most of the people who attend games have zero clue about what's going on. They don't really follow the games, don't go on message boards or twitter to really talk about the team. Most of them are like my grandfather "boa, them Cayts sure kept it close. Cowpurri will have them ready on Saturday"