When did it become so 'cool' to be gay?


Oct 29, 2004
Not a homophobe. Personally, I don't care who anyone sleeps with as long as it's between consenting adults. Honestly. I'm FOR same-sex unions although a pretty staunch Republican (more for fiscal than social reasons, though).

But, I'm just a bit skeptical of the entertainment types who have all of a sudden 'admitted' to same-sex feelings and/or relationships. It's like it has become a badge of honor to be gay. "I'm gayer than you are, so that makes me hip and noteworthy" seems to be the message. It shouldn't be a Scarlet Letter but, geez, enough already. I think it's more of a PR stunt for most of these people. Used to be in order to all but guarantee an Oscar nomination all you had to do is play a character who was gay, HIV positive, abused as a child/wife, etc.

I can and do accept homosexuality and same-sex marriage. But just because I'm not marching in parades and publicly celebrating homosexuality doesn't make me a homophobe. I truly don't care who anyone else is sleeping with. Why can't THAT be acceptable? I'm just tired of the bludgeoning of society that we can't just accept it, we must LOVE it and CELEBRATE it or there's something wrong with us. Don't I have the right to just simply not care?
I mentioned it in the other thread but I'm not a bit surprised that so many "entertainment types" are gay. My wife worked as a professional dancer in the late 70's and early 80's. She knew then that 60-70% of the male dancers were gay. Most would date women as a cover but they had no romantic or sexual intrest in women. Some got married, had kids because that's what society expected them to do but they were still meeting other men. The music business is much the same way although not to the same degree. Theatre, same.
What is crazy to be is that so much media coverage is spent on a group that most polls suggest only make up 3% of our population. However, if you watch television, you would think half the country was gay.
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing about marches. Why in a veterans day parade do you need to carry a banner that says gay veterans. Who cares? The fact that you are a veteran and served your country is good enough for me and that is what the day and parade is about. I don't carry a banner that says heterosexual veteran.
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing about marches. Why in a veterans day parade do you need to carry a banner that says gay veterans. Who cares? The fact that you are a veteran and served your country is good enough for me and that is what the day and parade is about. I don't carry a banner that says heterosexual veteran.

Who cares? They do. They're not doing it for you.
Who cares? They do. They're not doing it for you.
Disagree, they are making sure you and I know. It is the same with me and entertainers who all of a sudden at one of their concerts goes into a spill about there political views or an actor who uses his stage appearance to push and agenda. I did not go there for that, I went there to be entertained.
Disagree, they are making sure you and I know. It is the same with me and entertainers who all of a sudden at one of their concerts goes into a spill about there political views or an actor who uses his stage appearance to push and agenda. I did not go there for that, I went there to be entertained.

And yet I'm not bothered by it and you are. So don't go to that concert, don't watch that movie, change the channel and don't worry about the gay parade float. If it offends your sensibilities that much, maybe you need to reevaluate some things.

Despite what you think, you're not under any "threat" by these actions. As a straight, white male myself, I'm sure we're going to be just fine.
And yet I'm not bothered by it and you are. So don't go to that concert, don't watch that movie, change the channel and don't worry about the gay parade float. If it offends your sensibilities that much, maybe you need to reevaluate some things.

Despite what you think, you're not under any "threat" by these actions. As a straight, white male myself, I'm sure we're going to be just fine.
Actually, I do not need to reevaluate anything. I am fine how I feel about it. I have partied with, gone out with, and have roomated in the military with people who are gay. I just do not think it is neccessary to set yourself apart as a veteran. BTW, my sensibilities are not offended, just don't think it is neccessary in that context.
It's become the country of the minority , can't speak engly then we'll also have everything in Spanish . So many issues in the media focus on minorities , not to be anti semantic but the last time Jewish influence was so prevalent in a country they were a minority in was early 1900's Germany .
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Until people stop having a parade for gay people, they will always be "not normal" to a lot of people. When you identify yourself as a gay vet instead of a united states vet that makes being gay unusual.

If you want to be treated like normal people then stop making every time someone comes out of the closet such a big deal.
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I've always heard that if you can overcome the weirdness, being a straight guy in a gay bar pays serious dividends. Not only do you get tons of drinks bought for you, but it's easy to cleanup with the single females. You might get a finger or two in the butt, but hey... friday nights, yah know?
I've always heard that if you can overcome the weirdness, being a straight guy in a gay bar pays serious dividends. Not only do you get tons of drinks bought for you, but it's easy to cleanup with the single females. You might get a finger or two in the butt, but hey... friday nights, yah know?

As with any sub-group in society that was formerly treated poorly or not accepted...when society shifts to a point that it accepts this group, there is a level of "we made it!" pride that develops. I think most people associated with banners like warrior-cat mentions above would tell you it's more of a celebration than it is an attempt to shove it in your face.

There are zealots in every group, of course...and they're always the loudest. The entertainment industry is unsurprisingly filled with many zealots from many different sub-groups of society. This is nothing new. If you can't tune their garbage out by now, that's on you.

You have to realize that the majority of people attending a gay pride event or who carry a gay vets banner in a Veteran's Day parade are not out to indoctrinate you and your children. Most view it as a celebration that they can even have a gay pride event and hold a gay vets banner without being curbstomped. It's about the celebration of equal and fair treatment.

If a homosexual person in a parade comes up to you with a bullhorn and shouts at you for being a bigot for not marching in their parade, they're a god damn idiot and should be treated as such. I doubt you'll run into many of them, though.
I think a good majority of these instances are driven by societies' historical objection to different lifestyles. Heck, even today, there are so many people that object lifestyles that are different than their own. Because of this opposition, that sometimes rolls into hatred, people will stand up and demonstrate A) their pride in being comfortable in their own skin, and B) encourage others to be themselves, despite the challenges.

No matter what your opinion on the LGTB community, you can't really deny that they have been singled out and discriminated against in the past.
As with any sub-group in society that was formerly treated poorly or not accepted...when society shifts to a point that it accepts this group, there is a level of "we made it!" pride that develops. I think most people associated with banners like warrior-cat mentions above would tell you it's more of a celebration than it is an attempt to shove it in your face.

There are zealots in every group, of course...and they're always the loudest. The entertainment industry is unsurprisingly filled with many zealots from many different sub-groups of society. This is nothing new. If you can't tune their garbage out by now, that's on you.

You have to realize that the majority of people attending a gay pride event or who carry a gay vets banner in a Veteran's Day parade are not out to indoctrinate you and your children. Most view it as a celebration that they can even have a gay pride event and hold a gay vets banner without being curbstomped. It's about the celebration of equal and fair treatment.

If a homosexual person in a parade comes up to you with a bullhorn and shouts at you for being a bigot for not marching in their parade, they're a god damn idiot and should be treated as such. I doubt you'll run into many of them, though.

I don't want to get into a huge debate but I call BS on not wanting to indoctrinate kids as there have been plenty examples of this crap like the preschool teacher starting to discuss gay marriage with 4 year olds or California showing 8 year olds cross dressing tolerance videos. You have organizations like the GLSEN.

Hell, thy just had a gay and lesbian pride day at a public school a couple of months ago where they freaked out on two kids who wore "I love Chic Fil A " shirts.

This is most certainly on the agenda and public schools have become a den for activist to spew their manifesto.
I think a good majority of these instances are driven by societies' historical objection to different lifestyles. Heck, even today, there are so many people that object lifestyles that are different than their own. Because of this opposition, that sometimes rolls into hatred, people will stand up and demonstrate A) their pride in being comfortable in their own skin, and B) encourage others to be themselves, despite the challenges.

No matter what your opinion on the LGTB community, you can't really deny that they have been singled out and discriminated against in the past.
The ironic thing is that anyone who disagrees with them is now discriminated against, blackballed, railroaded by the media and the public, and gets targeted and sometimes for lawsuits.
This was made in 1996 and featured on HBO. Give this a watch.

Also how many have heard of the book After The Ball written by a gay author in 1989?
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing about marches. Why in a veterans day parade do you need to carry a banner that says gay veterans. Who cares? The fact that you are a veteran and served your country is good enough for me and that is what the day and parade is about. I don't carry a banner that says heterosexual veteran.
Perhaps because the military actually forbade them from serving until 2010 when such ban was ruled unconstitutional. From 1993 - 2010 the official military policy was don't ask/don't tell but still allowed a soldier to be dismissed if it was learned he/she was gay.
Until people stop having a parade for gay people, they will always be "not normal" to a lot of people. When you identify yourself as a gay vet instead of a united states vet that makes being gay unusual.

If you want to be treated like normal people then stop making every time someone comes out of the closet such a big deal.
I'm sure they would say it's like the chicken and the egg. Once they are treated as normal by people they will stop marching.
I'm sure they would say it's like the chicken and the egg. Once they are treated as normal by people they will stop marching.

And how exactly are they not? First regardless of beliefs, when your group only makes up 3% of the population it isn't the 'norm.' But explain to me how they're treated poorly? We have made idols out of people for simply being gay who no one would give a shat about otherwise. Michael Sam, Bruce Jenner (the past 30 years at least), etc are treated like heroes for simply being gay or transgender. It isn't heroic nor is it brave to come out when the media is going to issue non stop praise.
you can indoctrinate me all you want...i aint gonna touch, take, or smooch the dong.
Stay out of prison and that will remain your choice to make.
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Disagree, they are making sure you and I know. It is the same with me and entertainers who all of a sudden at one of their concerts goes into a spill about there political views or an actor who uses his stage appearance to push and agenda. I did not go there for that, I went there to be entertained.
So did you have a problem with Charlton Heston pimping the NRA? Ted Nugent and his political activism?

Entertainers who talk politics at their shows put their careers at risk. Dixie Chicks anyone?
For many entertainers...and I'm referring to mostly musicians, politics and societal issues are a big driving factor in the music they make. It's what got them to write that song. Others might just feel strongly about something.

If you don't like it, don't go to that artist's shows.
And how exactly are they not? First regardless of beliefs, when your group only makes up 3% of the population it isn't the 'norm.' But explain to me how they're treated poorly? We have made idols out of people for simply being gay who no one would give a shat about otherwise. Michael Sam, Bruce Jenner (the past 30 years at least), etc are treated like heroes for simply being gay or transgender. It isn't heroic nor is it brave to come out when the media is going to issue non stop praise.
We also made heroes out of people like Rosa Parks and Susan B Anthony.
The first person to be recognized for openly breaking barriers gets noticed. You'll likely never know of the next Michael Sam or Jenner because we've been there, done that.
We also made heroes out of people like Rosa Parks and Susan B Anthony.
The first person to be recognized for openly breaking barriers gets noticed. You'll likely never know of the next Michael Sam or Jenner because we've been there, done that.

Yes because someone who likes to have sex with the same gender is on par with Rosa Parks. I always find this comparison extremely insulting to the black community.

Amazing article on why this comparison is absurd.
I remember when OP made a post complaining about friends who won't go to his parties after him and his wife make cute little RSVP invitation cards.

Have you once ever responded to an RSVP card or even issued one for a small gathering? I didn't even know people did that. I imagine some colonial woman writing a letter and giving it to the local errand boy and saying , "Go forth, young lad and share the word that there will be a feast and a gathering to our evening ball where we will serve pigs in a blanket, nachos, and share drink til we are drunk and grow tired of the evening fingering. Now run along and make sure they sign these RSVP cards."
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Have you once ever responded to an RSVP card or even issued one for a small gathering? I didn't even know people did that. I imagine some colonial woman writing a letter and giving it to the local errand boy and saying , "Go forth, young lad and share the word that there will be a feast and a gathering to our evening ball where we will serve pigs in a blanket, nachos, and share drink til we are drunk and grow tired of the evening fingering. Now run along and make sure they sign these RSVP cards."

hahaha. I read that in Shakespeare's voice.