Succession on HBO

It was solid. Not fantastic. The finale wasn't one of the better episodes.

I knew there would be a twist, but I didn't expect it to be Tom. Not shocking, but surprising.

For some reason I thought they may bring Connor in out of left field to run things.
Well, what did everyone think of the finale
I think that I could not have been MORE incorrect with my predictions. LOL

The break up/make up/break up amongst the siblings was tiresome, but in the end, Kendall just couldn't help but gloat, and that, rightfully so, sealed his fate. The classic "hubris got the best of him" device.

I thought the next to last scene, with Tom and Shiv in the car, when he extended his hand, in a subtle, but commanding/kiss the ring/I've got "hand" manner (pardon the pun), was a gem.

In retrospect, I should have seen this coming. TV writers, for the most part, are transparent, and the lengths they went to, to make Tom look like a buffoon, who was going to be out on his ass, combined with Shiv all but saying that she was having regrets should have been a dead give-away. I guess I'm slipping. LOL
It was solid. Not fantastic. The finale wasn't one of the better episodes.

I knew there would be a twist, but I didn't expect it to be Tom. Not shocking, but surprising.

For some reason I thought they may bring Connor in out of left field to run things.

You have to admit though. Connor explaining the "sticker bidding" system for parsing out the old man's crap was gold.
And, to top it off, Tom putting a bid sticker on Greg's forehead was priceless.

Sporus is going to serve some HARD time under Emperor Tom LOL
I think that I could not have been MORE incorrect with my predictions. LOL

The break up/make up/break up amongst the siblings was tiresome, but in the end, Kendall just couldn't help but gloat, and that, rightfully so, sealed his fate. The classic "hubris got the best of him" device.

I thought the next to last scene, with Tom and Shiv in the car, when he extended his hand, in a subtle, but commanding/kiss the ring/I've got "hand" manner (pardon the pun), was a gem.

In retrospect, I should have seen this coming. TV writers, for the most part, are transparent, and the lengths they went to, to make Tom look like a buffoon, who was going to be out on his ass, combined with Shiv all but saying that she was having regrets should have been a dead give-away. I guess I'm slipping. LOL
I've been trying to decide what Shiv's actual motive was, of course you can interpret it to anything. Did she realize Kendall would eventually push her out any way bc of the way he is? Is she still looking for a play bc Mattson wronged her and knowing how pliable Tom is, remember this guy was willing to go to jail for Logan. Was she seeing as how she's pregnant, it gives her kid a chance at succession. Roman alluded to this anyway mentioning how Kendalls kids were adopted or by sperm donor.
Not sure Tom won anything of significance. He is CEO because Mattson needed an American CEO for regulatory purposes, and because he is pliable. Chances are he won't last in the position for that long.
Walked away thinking that may be the best series start to finish where they go out on top and do an awesome job doing wrapping it up. Going to miss the writing of this show because it's just so damn good with the high-level of acting to go along with it.

Just loved the finale.

"Face eggs"
Roman and the cheese
Apparently Ken did really drink that in real life
Tom and Greg fight and Tom's delivery of calling him a POS.
Mattson calling Greg "Judas" at the end
Ken going back into the board room
Thinking Ken was going to off himself
Shiv getting put in her place

"You are not serious people"
Honestly, thought the finale was pretty forgettable for the most part - a great series that ended with a whimper.


The kids lost the empire, which is pretty epic. It didn't feel so epic in the finale. Should have happened halfway through, not at the very end. The ending should have dealt more with the fallout.
In the end, all the siblings end up getting their own worst nightmare.

The ending made me mad at first. Not because it was bad. But because the night before with all the siblings getting along was just such a cool scene to watch. The siblings, for a short time, had unity on who the enemy was.

Of course this didn’t last long. A ending where everyone gets what they want isn’t always the best ending. This was a show that needed a realistic ending. And the siblings getting along and coming together to defeat the enemy would have never been realistic.

It took me a minute to accept that ending because part of me did want to see them finally get along and do something together. But after I got over that, it really was the best way to end the show.

Although 2 billion plus dollars from the deal is a nice consolation prize. Why do these siblings want to work so badly? Lol
Although 2 billion plus dollars from the deal is a nice consolation prize. Why do these siblings want to work so badly? Lol

That's a good question - they are all billionaires - and yet completely miserable.

The three of them would be quite average and non-remarkable with a median household income...Roman definitely had that part figured out.
The high from mom's house to the fall in the board room was what encapsulated everything to me. In the end, the kids were just entitled brats and Tom is the "pain sponge" again because that's who wins in corporate America. No one ever took the kids seriously and once Logan was out of the picture, they all showed their true colors.
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On KSR, they said Tom’s last name
Was the same
As the only guy to
Get an unassisted triple play in the MLB. Hence, he got 3 kids out by himself.
  • Wow
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The final season was on another level compared to the rest of the series, which was still very good, but not what this season was. Showtime needs to take a cue from HBO on series runs. HBO has always been careful not to drag shows out while Showtime just keeps saying yes again and again from Dexter to Ray Donovan. I've found myself in the past bowing out on most Showtime shows while wanting more from HBO.
That's a good question - they are all billionaires - and yet completely miserable.

The three of them would be quite average and non-remarkable with a median household income...Roman definitely had that part figured out.

Yep. It should be a good life lesson. These people have nothing special about them. More often than not their generational wealth has allowed them so many advantages. Yet they are the ones truly controlling things and manipulating life.

I think Succession was good at showing how regular and shitty that world can be.

Look at Frank and Karl…just a couple of goons. There is nothing special about them.

Look at Mattson’s vaping buddy Oleg or whatever. Total douche weirdo.

These people are a bunch of barnacles.

Heck, what did Tom really do in the business that we saw? Did he project leadership at all? Competence?
I think it ended brilliantly - the only way it could and pretty much how it started. Roman never wanted it just wanted his dads approval, shiv wanted power but to also take it away from her dad, and Kendall wanted it badly but was never quite competent enough to pull it off. Shiv saw at the end giving it to Tom would allow her more power and pull while also taking it away from her fathers name, and she knew Kendall would be corrupt and probably f*ck it up. The rare show that ended on its best season.
Heck, what did Tom really do in the business that we saw? Did he project leadership at all? Competence?

It's interesting to me that none of the kids (or Tom) ever did anything impressive in the entire show to demonstrate they had any real business acumen or belonged in the lofty positions they occupied.

The most impressive thing Shiv pulled off in the entire series was getting the woman not to testify against the cruise lines.

All Kendall had in him were a couple of semi-impressive discourses (on of them being at his dad's funeral) and Roman simply had nothing, really. I thought Greg might do something impressive, but his high point was using Google translate or whatever to figure out they canned Shiv.

In the end, they are pretty average people with a big inheritance. Kind of like your average GYERO poster only way richer. :D
Tom won because he was willing to do whatever it took. That includes going to jail, selling out his wife and her family, manipulating and keeping his foot on the throat of underlings (Kendall always used the NICE approach with Greg etc.)

IOW - He was a "killer", which is what Logan said, in a previous season, that his kids lacked. To those that think Tom's reign would be short-lived, I disagree. Tom does what Tom HAS to, to survive, and to make himself "necessary"...

The finale wasn't perfect, but THAT part of it, IMO, was.
I think Roman may have gotten what he wanted all along, too.
He was able to sign the paperwork as the CEO turning over company, and he walked away with billions as he initially wanted.