Rupp Rafters Bracket Challenge


Dec 8, 2006
Don't know if there was ever a Rupp Rafters only bracket contest...not sure if it violates TOS to do so.

Assuming it's not....would anyone be interested? I'm not talking about creating a group like on ESPN but a RR member only contest on it's own dedicated URL.
I'm interested. Everyone on here (well most everyone, we have a few trolls posing as UK fans) will be picking UK to win it all so it will make it interesting to see who does well on picking the rest of the NCAA Tourney. I still say this season chalk is the way to go for Elite 8's and Final Four for the most part.
Originally posted by UKWildcats#8:
it will make it interesting to see who does well on picking the rest of the NCAA Tourney.
That was sort of my thinking...we'll all have UK (i'd hope) so by having our own bracket challenge, it would be about the rest of the field.

It would be for fun unless some people step up and offer to donate prizes on their own.
The site is done...need some testing volunteers and two people that want to help as admin

Haven't received it as of yet. I'll keep checking. Be sure it's the email addy in my sig.

There is no registration page...I want only RR members, same screen names and only one bracket ea so I'll have to key in users manually...

For screen name and email thus:


The system will send you a password to login

the bracket are empty but as soon as the selection show is will populate. You can edit your bracket up to tip off of first game.

note: I built this whole thing in about 4 hours so be kind with the design critique...I'm mostly interested in function.
If anyone wants to assist with signups...I have set aside two slots, all I can offer for the aggravation is you'll get your name and avatar on the front page.

I'll have to add you as admin so I'd prefer someone that's somewhat tech savvy and skype would be great as well.
Originally posted by North Carolina Blue Wildcat:
I added you but this is why I asked for the screen names...the forum truncates long screen names and I have to click reply just to see it.

post thus:
screen name
Originally posted by mrj-uk:
LOL at the "Fast Paste Productions"
Seemed I said, I threw it together in about 4 hours....that's a pretty fast paste for a custom website.
Originally posted by joecat*:

I have tried several times but it won't let me log in. Help
it's not open registration...I have to add you, it's not connected to the rivals user database
cool I'm in. Thanks
This post was edited on 3/15 8:38 PM by Jkwo
everyone that included an email address is added...please email me if you find a bug.

after can edit your bracket by going to the menu and clicking "my brackets" where you can either view or edit your choices.

There is a login portal on the main page...alt login here:
Originally posted by joecat*: Please let me in. joecat*
This post was edited on 3/15 8:35 PM by joecat*
would not allow the * in your username...used "joecat"
use the forgot password link, enter your email and it will send you a new password.

use joecat without the *