I can sum up in just two words what our next coach MUST be above all else...KENTUCKY FIRST.

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Cal just finished his 5th Telethon for Kentuckians.
He's non-stop involved with Community.
He's loyal (not flirting with other jobs).
He's still here, battling to add banners in Rupp.
He is the 1st coach since Rupp who every year goes toe to toe with UNC/Dook/Kansas/ etc
He's kept us clean from FBI and cheating scandals.
He's a family man who is loyal to his wife/kids

But hey...Haters are gonna Hate.
...And I'm OK with that.
...Hope you're OK with me disagreeing with you.
He has done nothing but represent the program and the state at the highest level. He is a Hall of Fame coach with the third most wins among active coaches.
The "Farr Cal" part of our fanbase is a stain on the program and a national embarrassment.
You know up until ten years ago it was just a plain ol' common sense given that our coach, who is an even bigger name and with even more name recognition than our governor would put KENTUCKY FIRST. Shoot, for all of Gillespie's other many faults he at least tried to represent UK well even if from the very start (well from his second infamous "Honeymoon's over!" game) it was obvious the dude was in WAY over his head.

As for Cal meanwhile, there were the 2010 "Draft Cats" (gee kinda sounds more like a beer) who showed the elite kind of players he was able to get to play for us...great. 2011, we not only FINALLY end our super embarrassing Final Four drought and FINALLY put up our first banner in this century, but we just BARELY miss making the title game. Then the next year with the help of our super flashy and fun to watch shot blocker Anthony Davis, we finally get to the end of the Glory Road (as Rupp liked to say) for the 8th time. Fantastic. In 2014, just when most everyone had pretty much left us for dead we go on the most exciting rollercoaster miracle NCAA Tournament run ever in our franchise history. In 2015 we had the chance to run the table and be among the all time greatest teams ever but sadly (like my wife's 2007 Patriots) we blew it and ended up not even being the best team of that year. :( Had we finished the job in either 2014 or 2015 I think the nickname UndeNINEables would've been perfect.

I'm not sure when Cal said his infamous remark about "wanting to get guys in the NBA first" happened but if it happened in 2010-15, I guess we could've wrote it off as some sort of fluke...but now its plainly obvious Cal does not honestly put Kentucky First. And our horrible lack of tournament experience because of too many "one and dones" is really catching up with us. Seriously, who CARES how many of our guys get drafted/play in the NBA if they can't even stick around long enough to do US any good? I even remember explaining to my wife (who originally thought basketball was a silly game where some guys just run around back and forth and back and forth) that two most critical things especially in tournament time are making those free throws and having guys with NCAA tournament experience.

That last part is all the more reason why it is so important that our next coach (whoever that is and whenever that happens) MUST above all else be KENTUCKY FIRST. In fact I'd like to see that be his Administration's motto, a huge sign right inside their locker room, maybe have a sign right above the entrance they can slap on their way out to the court for good luck (like Notre Dame players and New York Yankees players do). Sure we must get our five star elite recruits like everyone else but at the same time we need players who truly want to be a Wildcat First and making the NBA to be the possible icing on the cake (look at how there are so many first (or first few) rounders over and over who for whatever reason don't even make the NBA at all).

And I think our next coach should strongly encourage and recruit HS players within our Commonwealth...bring back and promote the classic Kentucky boyhood dream/fantasy of being a Wildcat. Promote how awesome is it to stay for the full four years and get to smash through that Senior Hoop and get presented a framed jersey and roses for good ol' mom with My Old Kentucky Home playing. Honestly, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way, that is something so special that money just cannot buy. And by golly, promote how even walk-ons ("Rudys") who have enough hustle and heart could, even if for just one game and even for just a minute or two could, just maybe get to step onto that Rupp Arena court with KENTUCKY across your chest and get to always and forever say for the rest of your life that you were a Wildcat.

Obviously even with the greatest players and coach possible we just won't go to the Final Four every (or probably every other) year...there is way too much "anything can happen" and pure dumb luck in March Madness for that. But we do expect to be in at least reasonable contention and put ourselves in the best position and best probability we can come tournament time.

Forgive me if I'm sounding too idealistic or if some of this is unrealistic but surely we could at least make SOME of this happen with the right leadership. Can't we?
Yeah, well our current coach changed all of that....he is too busy counting his $$$$ and draft picks to worry about putting the program first.
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