Favorite peanut butter combination?

@UpstateNYCat No mention of Saratoga Peanut Butter Company?! :cry:


Not sure why I haven't tried any of these yet, need to amend that soon. You're in the area?
Yep. A few Albany/Upstate NY posters here. Live in the Midtown, Albany area. Well, I call it that anyways. Out of the crappy downtown area and not in the student ghetto.. But close enough to the action to enjoy the last few years of my 20's.
The Wife and I live just off Exit 11 near Malta. We both work at GlobalFoundries. You? Moved up here from Texas in 2011.
Sick. At a software company now, but looking to make some changes. Heck, you're close enough to go take a tour of Saratoga Peanut Butter Company! Lived up this way for 90% of my life.. I personally love it.

My advice to someone who has only been here for a few years, and from Texas no less: Find a way to get through the Winter's or better yet, find a way to love them.
We both love it up here, it's beautiful. I was born and raised in Lexington, so I had some exposure to some form of winter. The Wife? she's native Texan, she had no idea what to expect. But she loves it, the winters haven't been too bad, although last one was pretty rough, Temp wise anyway. Everyone has just been super to us and I love the architecture of the old buildings in this area.
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There used to be a half-a-hippie restaurant in DC back in my younger days called the DC Space. No meat, of course. I mostly hated the place but I knew a really hot woman who liked to go there after getting high. I'd order a sandwich they had called the Grumble Jones which was thickly sliced home-made bread with freshly made natural chunky peanut butter, real honey, slices of very tart apples and bananas. I could eat another one of those, if I could be young, single, stoned with a hot woman for an afternoon.
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I was told by a friend awhile back to try just peanut butter spread on a slice of bread, roll it up, and dip it and eat it with chili. Outside of strawberry preserves with peanut butter on bread, that has now become my favorite way to eat it. Very tasty.
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I was told by a friend awhile back to try just peanut butter spread on a slice of bread, roll it up, and dip it and eat it with chili. Outside of strawberry preserves with peanut butter on bread, that has now become my favorite way to eat it. Very tasty.
Only way I eat chili man! Been dipping that ish for years! Your friend knows what's up.