Enes not playing in London. Fears for his life.

I don't remember him ever saying "every cop is out to kill black folks" which is what YOU said I was ON RECORD (maybe you don't know what that means?) as supporting. I don't remember me ever supporting that. So either you were just wrong, or lying. Whoops.

First off, I don't just mean outside the US. You live in town with a lot of people from a lot of different backgrounds? You interact with them? How many black people did you deal with last week? How many Muslims do you think you interacted with last week? My guess is "none" given that you seem very, very quick to make huge generalized statements about groups. Those of us who are around different people... we realize, very quickly, that the VAST MAJORITY of people are the same... decent, caring people who want to do right by their family and community and live a good life. You gonna disagree with that?

Second, I call BS on your "well traveled outside the US" claim. Gimme some background; the thread started off with someone calling out England, Germany, Belgium, and France, right? As places that are so dangerous that people can't even visit there, couldn't PAY them to do so. So, how long have you spent in each of those countries?

I'm not even going to respond to your virtue signalling white angst that made you write those statements as you look down your nose, dripping with the bigotry of low expectation.

You are a condescending ass. You attack me with words of others. I never one time said anything about England, Germany etc... being the way you said though there are CERTAINLY areas in London and Paris where I would never go. That could be said for Chicago. But you deny they exist. As for me I have been to well over a dozen countries and in the US from Alaska to Connecticut to Florida to California and nearly every state in between. Have not made it to VT/NH/Maine. Not to ND or SD but just about every other state in the union.

I travel frequently for business and manufacturers have sent me on their dime to many places, primarily here and Europe, for visits to their factories and corp headquarters. I deal with Spanish and Brit and Swedish manufacturers who send me on business travel/meetings for their best customers to their home bases (ie Madrid for the Spanish trip). I did recently pass on a trip to Hawai'i. They even fly me occasionally on their corp jet. I am sure you've never experienced that luxury in your "not as good as mine" white privilege. Its a blast. So I don't know who you think you are talking to.
Sure you were...I think most posters already know you are full of it.

I do not like UofL. That should be clear. I do not like Pitino. Never have understood why some here still defend him. I'd love for the FBI to frog march him....and Jurich. Jurich should be in jail with Ramsey.
I do not like UofL. That should be clear. I do not like Pitino. Never have understood why some here still defend him. I'd love for the FBI to frog march him....and Jurich. Jurich should be in jail with Ramsey.

Well, I didn’t defend him. I just called out your perceived lack of knowledge on legal and travel issues. If you were truly trolling then I say well done sir.
Well, I didn’t defend him. I just called out your perceived lack of knowledge on legal and travel issues. If you were truly trolling then I say well done sir.

I was writing for lilbro lurkers and was surprised how our fans wanted to argue rather than join in that the FBI was still after Pitino. I NEVER would have guessed he would take that job. I wasted a lot of time...LOL.
Never underestimate Pitino’s arrogance.

Had I known he would take the job I would have structured my argument that he would take the job out of the US to escape the US justice system. He will need to be extradited once the FBI investigation finds he lied. I took the wrong side if the argument. Oh well.
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I don't remember him ever saying "every cop is out to kill black folks" which is what YOU said I was ON RECORD (maybe you don't know what that means?) as supporting. I don't remember me ever supporting that. So either you were just wrong, or lying. Whoops.

No no; it's not about ideology.

When I get pulled over by a cop, I'm not worried. Black guy? More worried.

When I go to the bank to get a loan, I understand I'm more likely to get it. Black person? Less likely to get it.

When I put my name on a job application, I don't have to worry about my name making me less likely to get the job. Black people? More issues.

When I am walking around the street, I am not worried about getting randomly stopped and searched. Black people? Not as much.

Being a white guy, there are certain ways that society deals with me that is different than it deals with other people. EVERY group gets treated differently... white people tend to get it, speaking in overarching grand terms and not on the individual granular level, better than the rest in those ways.

Now, you and I didn't create this. It's decades, even centuries, of underlying biases, some conscious, most assuredly not, some tied into practical reality, most not. It doesn't make me racist to benefit from it. It doesn't make ANY white person racist to benefit from it. But it exists. And if you don't know that, or you think recognizing it is some BAD thing... well, that's as good a sign of lack of education and awareness of the world beyond yourself as any.

I'm well educated in it. What proof are you going to offer... that he spoke on the same stage as someone who published a book written by a Holocaust denier? That he has done work with organizations that are pro-Palestinian? Hate to break it to you... most Muslims side with the Palestinians. That isn't radical. Shit, my mothers side is Jewish, lost a huge chunk of the family in the Holocaust, and yet when my cousin (a Jew) did a two year photography project in the Palestinian territory she came away horrified by how the Israelis sometimes treat the average Palestinian. Don't tell me you are one of those morons who believe those made up stories that he defended the 9/11 terrorists or something, are you?

I don't think you actually know what radical Islam is, and my guess is your "education" is the Daily Caller.

First off, I don't just mean outside the US. You live in town with a lot of people from a lot of different backgrounds? You interact with them? How many black people did you deal with last week? How many Muslims do you think you interacted with last week? My guess is "none" given that you seem very, very quick to make huge generalized statements about groups. Those of us who are around different people... we realize, very quickly, that the VAST MAJORITY of people are the same... decent, caring people who want to do right by their family and community and live a good life. You gonna disagree with that?

Second, I call BS on your "well traveled outside the US" claim. Gimme some background; the thread started off with someone calling out England, Germany, Belgium, and France, right? As places that are so dangerous that people can't even visit there, couldn't PAY them to do so. So, how long have you spent in each of those countries?

Oh no no; at no point did I broad brush. I'm talking about YOU, and YOUR dumb generalizations and lies. You lied about what I am "on record" supporting, you lied about the entire #metoo movement thinking all men are misogynists, you lied about the mayor of London being a radical Muslim, you lied about all people who recognize white privilege being racist against white people...

I mean, when it comes down to it, nearly everything you've written is a hyperbolic lie.

Now, I am actually able to look at most sides, and even AGREE with points from most sides. I know there are massive immigration issues in Europe. I know there are problems with terrorism around the world. I know that there are people who hate all policemen, and people who think that white folks are all racist. Thankfully, ALL of these examples are FAR more the exception than the norm, and most sane people recognize that. Your repeated lies certainly aren't going to contribute to any meaningful discussion of these issues.

Really, we can leave it... you and I both know this isn't going anywhere productive.

Yikes. Lecter should at the very least back out of this thread completely. Might consider a name change based on that ass kicking.
Yikes. Lecter should at the very least back out of this thread completely. Might consider a name change based on that ass kicking.

It's just painful, you know? Just lie after lie after lie, ridiculous statement after ridiculous statement after ridiculous statement. I mean, even that last response... I deny there are bad places in Paris or London? Where on earth did I deny that? In fact, I've specifically said that poverty and immigration and all of that are issues throughout Europe. And then responding to stuff that wasn't even aimed at him, but rather that other guy?

Now, I don't really know the characters here, so I don't know Lecter, but... and it's a shame, because a reasonable conversation can ABSOLUTELY be had about Islamic extremist or the influence of recent immigration on European countries or any number of contentious, important issues. Shit, as I said, I've been throughout Europe... I've seen the impact of immigration from both the Middle East and Africa... and it's dramatic. Still doesn't mean that France and Germany and England are some horrifyingly dangerous place that nobody should travel to, as was posited at the start of this thead. No, it just means there are issues that can be discussed, same as we have in terms of crime in our largest cities or the opioid epidemic we have sweeping through so many small towns or any number of issues.

Anyway... the conversation is basically dead. Fingers crossed that both Kanter and his family come out of this somehow... hate to see any family in that much danger. And I am sort of sorry Kanter never got cleared for you guys... he would have been such a difference maker, Cal had planned all along on having him and it really threw you guys off when he never got cleared, and he really would have been incredible in a UK uniform.
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I'm not even going to respond to your virtue signalling white angst that made you write those statements as you look down your nose, dripping with the bigotry of low expectation.

You are a condescending ass. You attack me with words of others. I never one time said anything about England, Germany etc... being the way you said though there are CERTAINLY areas in London and Paris where I would never go. That could be said for Chicago. But you deny they exist. As for me I have been to well over a dozen countries and in the US from Alaska to Connecticut to Florida to California and nearly every state in between. Have not made it to VT/NH/Maine. Not to ND or SD but just about every other state in the union.

I travel frequently for business and manufacturers have sent me on their dime to many places, primarily here and Europe, for visits to their factories and corp headquarters. I deal with Spanish and Brit and Swedish manufacturers who send me on business travel/meetings for their best customers to their home bases (ie Madrid for the Spanish trip). I did recently pass on a trip to Hawai'i. They even fly me occasionally on their corp jet. I am sure you've never experienced that luxury in your "not as good as mine" white privilege. Its a blast. So I don't know who you think you are talking to.
LOL dude you work at Waffle House. Stop
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