Diallo following Wiggins' girlfriend Alex Reid


Mar 18, 2006
on the twitters

Could be something, could be nothing. (Cue music from "twilight zone" now)
You have cracked the code
But remember: it could be something but it could be nothing. At this point we just don't know
on the twitters

Could be something, could be nothing. (Cue music from "twilight zone" now)

I opened this thread with hopes of seeing pics of Alex Reid. I was disappointed. You know she is busted due to high premium NBA players put on trophy girlfriends. However, I am sure she is beautiful on the inside. That is what counts after all.
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I opened this thread with hopes of see pics of Alex Reid. I was disappointed. You know she is busted due to high premium NBA players put on trophy girlfriends. I am sure she is beautiful on the inside. That is what counts after all.

Beautiful on the inside before getting turned inside out, you mean.
With Diallo you guys would be pretty good. Could probably keep within 10-15 with us as opposed to the usual 30-piece we usually dish you guys.
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Drew Franklin from KSR found a correlation between recruiting and Twitter following. He published a peer reviewed article in the journal Regression Analysis.
Whoa! Diallo following Wiggy girlie who movin to Lawrence? Stop the Twilight Zone music and sound the fire alarms. Smoke be billowin out everywhere!
Why is that when Diallo follows someone else's girlfriend it's recruiting news.

But when I do it, it's creepy?

Seems unfair.
It's not recruiting news. It's these KU guys grasping at anything and everything. Doubt is starting to creep in and they are starting to feel the pressure of Diallo not being the lock they assumed he was.

Not saying that Diallo isn't going to choose KU because I have absolutely no clue who he is going to pick, but if he doesn't, look for another Randle type meltdown from KU fans because they have way too much invested in this recruitment.
Yea, most of these recruitments are kind of like the stock market. You don't really know which way things are going to go. And because of that, you really have to trust your broker. In this case, our broker is Cal. Luckily, he drinks more coffee than Alec Baldwin, and he closes harder than Secretariat.

Which I think leaves us with three, simple words: Trust in Cal.
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