Can I just watch an NFL game…

I've never listened to any of her music, and mostly know her from the credit card commercials, but it's highly entertaining seeing adult men having their feefees hurt by her and crying about it on social media.
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I'm sure 40 years ago there were people trying to claim that Norm Van Brocklin and Bobby Layne were better than Montana. Those people were wrong. Just as you are in this scenario.
I think folks are missing his angle. The NFL was way more dangerous and way more violent when all those guys played. They have nerfed the rules for hitting a QB so much that Mahomes is literally playing in a different game. Back then the QB got hit a lot and a lot harder than QBs git hit today. Those plays where the ref blows the whistle now and if you dump the QB anyway you are penalized NEVER happened back then, the QB was always driven to the turf. Same with all the late hit calls on QBs today, they were non existent back then.