Anyone Have A 3D Printer?


May 7, 2002
Getting one for Christmas to mess around with a little fabrication. Going to use it for various projects. Just getting a starter one for now to see how it goes. This is the one I picked that is a good price with decent features for a beginner.

I'd enjoy talking to you about this. It's something I've been mulling over for a bit, for various reasons, but primarily because there are many applications for one, in a couple of hobbies I'm in to.

I'm a newb in this area, but I have an IT/coding background.
I'm going to start by trying to do mini figures for my son. He's into DnD type games with his friends. For me, I always wanted to fabricate movie props like helmets and weapons from Star Wars/Marvel characters. Not really for Cosplay but just for fun.

I'd also like to learn how to do 3d modeling to use with it to make some of my own inventions/creations. I'm not sure how hard that is to learn. I'll bring this thread back up once I get it and set it up. There are tons of YouTube videos on 3d printing to whet your whistle. I've been watching a bunch of them to know what to expect.
Totally worth getting a 3D printer, but one that is reliable. I had an expensivo one at work in 2005 time frame. It was awesome but needed 10k in servicing a year. The costs for prototyping outstripped sending designs out to a professional shop
The cost is so low to start it up these days. That's what makes it a great hobby to get into. There are some growing pains it seems that you have to get through while learning. Still being able to spend like $200 (+ the filament cost) and having the ability to fabricate custom parts from scratch yourself couldn't have been possible like 20 years ago. You have an invention idea and you had to go to a shop and have them do it for you for probably thousands of dollars. My mom goes to craft shows and sells things she makes and there's always 1 or 2 people selling 3d printed items at them.
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I have an Ender-3 Max Neo we got it last Christmas along with a ton of filament. I introduced my kids to tinkering with 3D modeling at age five and my son made some cool little guys on TinkerCAD as a 2nd grader.

Along with modeling and fab skills, he’s also picked up some supply chain / expectation management acumen after promising prints to his buddies before I had time to help him print them. 😛

Some tips for the Ender:

1) It can’t read large memory cards - it has a fairly low maximum size.

2) File names have to 8 characters or less.

3) Ambient room temperature and drafts are a factor.
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I have an Ender-3 Max Neo we got it last Christmas along with a ton of filament. I introduced my kids to tinkering with 3D modeling at age five and my son made some cool little guys on TinkerCAD as a 2nd grader.

Along with modeling and fab skills, he’s also picked up some supply chain / expectation management acumen after promising prints to his buddies before I had time to help him print them. 😛

Some tips for the Ender:

1) It can’t read large memory cards - it has a fairly low maximum size.

2) File names have to 8 characters or less.

3) Ambient room temperature and drafts are a factor.
I've been playing around with Blender trying to learn how to do some 3d models. Just getting a head start on things before I get it. I already have a few prints in mind but will probably have to slow it down and not get ahead of myself.

I've read that 32GB SD cards are the max you should use in them. I think it comes with a smaller card but not 100% sure. I also ordered some kind of zip up enclosure to help with the ambient air temperature and drafts.

The only thing I don't really have is a filament dryer. I've read some filaments are bad about absorbing moisture and that can effect prints. I've been saving those silica packs that come with various things we've ordered lately. Will try those out in some kind of air tight containers with the filament when not in use.
Been sick for the past week so I just now got to put it together and play around with it.

Printer in action.

Test print finished.

White doesn't show up detail very well (free filament sample that came with it) so I lit it up to see if it helps.


Here's a different color one that shows details more, but mine is better I think. It's not really supposed to have a base.

Now time to think about the next project. I don't want to go to big to fast and then have it mess up on a multi day print.
Made a few other small things and then this caliper tool to do measurements for size adjustments of future builds.